Nevada State College Scorpions honor and celebrate the land and resources we are using to sustain ourselves. We are upon the sacred ancestral land of the Nuwu Southern Paiute, Washoe, Numu Northern Paiute, Nuwe Hualapai and Chemehuevi people who live and thrive all around the state of Nevada.
We also highlight and uplift all of Nevada’s 27 sovereign tribal nations.
We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and settler colonialism that continues to impact Native & Indigenous communities today, and we honor the people that are past, present, and future stewards of this land.
Land acknowledgements represent only a small part of the efforts towards systemic equity and inclusion for Native & Indigenous people in Nevada. The Nevada System of Higher Education offers a fee waiver for qualifying Native American college students. Additionally, all Scorpions are invited to contribute to an alliance for combined action and support, the Native American and Indigenous People’s Coalition.