Secondary Education - Mathematics (BS) | Nevada State College

Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics (BS in Education)


Share your passion for math

The Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics prepares you to work with children from seventh through twelfth grade in public, private, and alternative school systems. As a math teacher, you will have the opportunity to build upon your student’s mathematical skills, helping them think analytically and use data to guide their decisions. If you love math and feel the calling to work with children and/or adolescents, a career as a secondary Math teacher might be perfect for you.

To prepare you for the challenges of managing a class, students in the Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program participate in a planned series of field experiences. These experiences will give you the skills you need to BE CONFIDENT when leading your classrooms.

Infographic with gold dollar sign and amount $90,000+
Top of the salary schedule for experienced teachers in the Clark County School District (Not including benefits!)
Number 185
Number of contract days for teachers


Some of the careers our graduates pursue are: 

  • Secondary Math teacher
  • School administrator
  • Education researcher




Some engaging classes in this degree include:

  • EDU 214 Preparing Teachers to Use Technology
  • EDSC 453 Teaching Secondary Mathematics
  • MATH 301 Introduction to Proofs: Logic, Sets and Functions
  • MATH 314 History of Mathematics
  • MATH 455 Elementary Theory of Numbers
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