This policy establishes the eligibility requirements for Sabbatical Leave, outlines the selection process, and offers suggestions for faculty wishing to apply.
Academic Faculty: Instructional, counseling, and library faculty, as defined by the Board of Regents (NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 1, Section 1.1(a)(2)).
A Contract: A contract in which the Institutional Base Salary period is the full twelve (12) months of the fiscal year.
Administrative Faculty: Faculty employed in executive, supervisory, or support positions. (NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 1, Section 1.1(b))
B Contract: A contract in which the Institutional Base Salary period is nine (9) months, though the actual number of days of contractual obligation may vary each year.
Full-Time: An appointment at 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) as defined by NSHE for the contract year.
Institutional Base Salary (IBS): The annual compensation paid by the College for an individual’s appointment, whether that individual’s time is spent on research, instruction, administration, or other activities. Excludes any income that an individual earns outside of duties stipulated in the employee’s basic appointment. Compensation over and above the employee’s IBS for a given base salary period, regardless of the source of funds (sponsored or non-sponsored), is not allowed for performance of regularly contracted duties. In certain situations, however, compensation in excess of the IBS may be justified
Sabbatical Leave: A period of paid leave for Academic Faculty to complete study, research, writing, creative work, and/or travel that contributes to continued professional growth and new or renewed intellectual achievement.
The major purpose of a Sabbatical Leave is to provide the Academic Faculty opportunities to enhance professional effectiveness, increase scholarly usefulness, and strengthen the College’s academic, research, and service programs.
Any NSC Academic Faculty member who meets the following criteria is eligible to apply for Sabbatical Leave:
If an Academic Faculty member is not Full-Time at NSC but meets the 1.0 FTE criteria in the NSHE system as a whole, funding for a Sabbatical Leave must be negotiated proportionally with each of the affiliated NSHE institutions.
Priority consideration will be given based on years in a faculty role at the College and to applicants who have not previously received a Sabbatical Leave from NSC.
Sabbatical Leave for Non-State Funded Positions
Full-Time Academic Faculty whose positions are funded in whole or in part from non-state sources may be eligible for Sabbatical Leave only if the funds to support a Sabbatical Leave can be derived from the appropriate non-state funding source. The use of non-state funds for Sabbatical Leave must also be approved by the appointing authority. Administrative Faculty are not eligible for Sabbatical Leave or to serve on the Sabbatical Review Committee.
In conformity with Nevada Revised Statutes 284.345(2), “…no sabbatical leave with pay may be granted unless the person requesting the leave agrees in writing with the [employer] to return to the [employer] after the leave for a period not less than that required by the person’s most recent contract of employment if the [employer] desires the person’s continued service.” Faculty receiving a Sabbatical Leave will agree to return to Nevada State College in a paid status immediately upon the end of the Sabbatical Leave.
The number of available Sabbatical Leaves is determined by the Nevada System of Higher Education, which notifies NSC annually of the maximum number approved for NSC faculty. The number of applications may exceed the number of Sabbatical Leaves available and not all applicants will be granted a Sabbatical Leave. Resources may also dictate that the granting of Sabbatical Leaves be placed on hold. In the event that Sabbatical Leaves are placed on hold, all applicants must reapply when Sabbatical Leave review resumes.
According to NSHE Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 15.7.b, “The appropriate faculty senate shall select the Sabbatical Leave Committee to review and rank all applications.”
A. Membership: The Sabbatical Review Committee is comprised of the following:
B. Committee Chair: The Faculty Senate Academic Faculty Affairs Committee Chair serves as the Sabbatical Review Committee Chair. The Sabbatical Review Committee Chair receives applications and distributes them to Committee members.
C. Timeline: To provide ample time to notify faculty of the Sabbatical Review Committee Chair’s identity, the Sabbatical Review Committee will be established no later than the second Thursday in September each year.
D. Call for Applications: The Sabbatical Review Committee Chair will distribute a call for applications, including the application deadline and instructions on how to access this policy and the Sabbatical Leave Application Evaluation Rubric.
Sabbatical Leave is approved based on the recommendation of the Sabbatical Review Committee and the appropriate Dean or supervisor. The Provost shall consult with the School or unit, and with the President, prior to making a decision.
A. Application Deadline: Applications for Sabbatical Leave must be submitted to the applicant’s Dean/supervisor, the Provost, and the Chair of the Sabbatical Review Committee by noon (12 p.m.) Pacific Time on the first Thursday in October.
B. Application Review:
C. Appeals: If an applicant disputes the Sabbatical Review Committee’s recommendation, the candidate may petition to the Dean/supervisor, who may choose to petition to the Provost for redress. In such cases, the Provost, after consulting with the Sabbatical Review Committee and the President, shall render a final decision. This decision is not appealable.
Academic Faculty approved for Sabbatical Leave shall have two alternatives:
A one-half year leave will typically start on July 1 or January 1, but may be approved to start at another time with the limitation that the one-half year may not include more than one semester. For instructional faculty, Sabbatical Leaves must begin before or after the end of a semester. A one-year or one-half year Sabbatical Leave may not begin during a semester.
Additional suitable income (e.g., grants-in-aid or fellowships) may be accepted during the Sabbatical Leave provided the activity for which the income is received contributes to the individual’s professional development or future usefulness to the College.
A three- to four-page written exit report that outlines Sabbatical Leave activities and associated accomplishments shall be submitted to the Provost, the Faculty Senate, and the faculty member’s Dean or supervisor within three (3) months of return from Sabbatical Leave. Sabbatical grantees must make a formal presentation of their research or activities to the campus community.
Acknowledgement of Sabbatical Leave assistance shall be given in any publications resulting from work accomplished during the Sabbatical Leave.
All applicants shall submit an electronic Sabbatical Application comprised of:
A. Record of Professional Development
(The Record of Professional Development summarizes the candidate’s qualifications.)
B. Sabbatical Plan and Justification
(The Sabbatical Plan and Justification explains the value of the project, outlines its major aims or research questions, and proposes a timeline.)
1. Plan of Action
2. Justification for Sabbatical (Recommended length: 1 page)
3. Explanation of Accomplishments from Previous Sabbatical Leaves (if applicable).
Office of the Provost
Gwen Sharp, Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives
Phone: 702-992-2645
Policy first approved by President Fred Maryanski in August, 2008.
Approved by Dr. Abby Peters, Faculty Senate Chair, May 28, 2019.
Approved by Dr. Vickie Shields, Provost, June 24, 2019.
Approved by Bart Patterson, President, August 19, 2019.