Joseph Dertien, Ph.D. - Nevada State College
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Joseph Dertien, Ph.D.

I love all things science and biology related, from electrons to ecosystems!

However, my passion and academic specialization is botany and plant systematics. I’m particularly interested in how plants have adapted and evolved to occupy different environments. My primary research interest is phylogenetics and DNA barcoding. I also dabble in hydroponic gardening as a STEM teaching tool and as a means to introduce students to the fascinating world of plants and the plant sciences.

Much of my dissertation research (at Northern Illinois University) and research as a professor (at Saint Xavier University in Chicago) focused on the desert and dry forest species in the Zygophyllaceae plant family, which includes creosote bush and its relatives.  I’m excited to continue research on desert flora more locally with the help of undergraduate students at Nevada State College.

Dr. Dertien regularly teaches: Biol 196 (Principles of Modern Biology I) & Biol 197 (Principles of Modern Biology II)

To learn more about Dr. Joseph Dertien click: here.


Office: Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) 253

Phone: 702-992-2732

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