Incomplete Grades Policy (AE 2) - Nevada State College

Incomplete Grades Policy (AE 2)

  • category:
    Admissions and Enrollment
  • Policy Id#:
    AE 2
  • Effective Date:
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This document outlines changes in the procedure for managing students who receive an Incomplete (I) grade.


Incomplete Grade (I): A neutral grade given when a student is performing passing work, but for uncontrollable reasons is unable to complete the course requirements during the instructional period.


Nonattendance, poor performance or requests to repeat the course are unacceptable reasons for the issuance of an “I” grade. When the student’s request for an “I” grade is deemed acceptable, the faculty must fill out an “Incomplete Grade Request” form and submit it with the grade roster. Grade rosters will not be accepted by the Office of the Registrar if “I” grades have been assigned without a form being submitted.

Students who receive “I” grades are not permitted to sit in class the following semester to make up missed work. All make up work must be completed with the faculty outside of class time.
An “I” grade must be changed by the faculty member by the following deadlines:

If the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, the “I” grade must be changed by the following business day.

Grades of “I” that are not changed by the above deadlines will be changed to the grade of “F” by the Office of the Registrar. The student may request an extension of an “I” grade for one semester. If the faculty approves the request, they must notify the Office of the Registrar at least 2 weeks prior to the deadline by filing a Petition for Exception to Policy.

Students are not permitted to graduate with an “I” grade on their record.


Grade Change Form


Approved by Provost Dr. Lesley DiMare, July 21, 2008.
Approved by President Dr. Fred Maryanski, July 24, 2008.

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