Student Concern, Assessment, Referral, and Education (CARE) Team Policy (SA 3) - Nevada State College

Student Concern, Assessment, Referral, and Education (CARE) Team Policy (SA 3)

  • category:
    Public Safety & Risk Management
    Student Affairs
  • Policy Id#:
    SA 3
  • Effective Date:
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The NSC Student Concern, Assessment, Referral, and Education (CARE) Team promotes 1) the health and safety of the campus community and 2) coordination of information and development of support plans for students of concern. The Student CARE Team attempts to identify student problems, including psychosocial and behavioral issues that may interfere with adequate and successful functioning or that, if unaddressed, may lead to a dangerous outcome for the student or campus community. The Student CARE Team functions under delegated authority from the Office of the Provost; the Provost is the appointing authority for the Team.

This policy replaces the previous Student of Concern Committee Policy. It updates the name of the team and policy; deletes detailed information on medical leaves of absence, which are addressed in a separate policy; removes outdated information about digital storage of reports; and adds a statement about records retention.


Case Manager: An NSC employee who works closely with the Dean of Students to connect students to campus and community resources.

Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA): A temporary interruption in a student’s education as a result of significant pysical or mental health issues that interfere with the student’s academics.

Student Concern, Assessment, Referral, and Education (CARE) Team: A committee of faculty and staff that promotes the health and safety of the campus community and coordinates information and the development of support plans for students of concern.

Student Conduct Officer: NSC employee who oversees student conduct investigations and hearings.

Threat Assessment: A model and protocol outlined by Deisinger, Randazzo, O’Neill, and Savage (2008) for identifying the potential for targeted violence, or “violence that is premeditated and aimed at specific target(s) selected prior to the incident” (p. 14-15), and developing and implementing a safety management plan.


I. Student CARE Team Purview and Responsibilities

A. Purview: The Student CARE Team addresses situations where students exhibit or report behaviors that raise concern about the safety and well-being of the student, other individuals, or the campus community at large. This may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Threats or acts of harm to self and/or others;
  2. Behaviors that interfere with campus safety;
  3. Inappropriate behaviors that are disruptive or abusive in nature;
  4. Behaviors that indicate a student is distressed.

B. Out of Scope: Some situations are beyond the scope of the Student CARE Team. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Crisis intervention: If a crisis or emergency arises (e.g., causing or threatening immediate harm to self or others; interfering with lawful activities of other members of the campus community; interfering with the health, safety, or well-being of members of the NSC community; experiencing a health emergency; engaging in illegal activity), NSC staff should contact campus police or 911, as appropriate.
  2. Academic difficulties: For assistance with issues such as effective study skills, time management, and tutoring, faculty and staff may refer students to the Academic Advising Center, the Academic Success Center (ASC), the Writing Center, and other campus resources as appropriate. However, a Student CARE Team referral is appropriate if a student is struggling academically due to outside stressors (for example, financial difficulties or dealing with grief or divorce) that may require support services.
  3. Student conduct issues: The Student CARE Team is not designed to be punitive or to engage in disciplinary actions. Behaviors that are strictly violations of the NSC Student Code of Conduct should be referred to the Student Conduct Officer. A Student CARE Team referral may be appropriate if the conduct violation is related to, or in conjunction with, issues that may benefit from support services (e.g., counseling to address appropriate management of emotions). If the Student CARE Team receives a referral that appears to be more appropriately handled as a student conduct issue, the referral will be forwarded to the Student Conduct Officer. The Student CARE Team may serve in a consultant role to assist the Student Conduct Officer in determining if formal sanctions and/or a formal hearing are appropriate.

C. Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the Student CARE Team include the following:

  1. Gather information: Receive, review, and document information about campus community concerns regarding student behavior.
  2. Assess information: Evaluate each case systematically to determine the most effective response.
  3. Define a response plan: Make recommendations on appropriate actions, consistent with NSC policies and procedures, to address the needs of the student and the safety of the NSC community.
  4. Implement the response: Serve as the coordinating hub of a network of existing campus and community resources focused on prevention of and early intervention in situations involving students experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. The actual response may be carried out by other individuals or departments. The response implementation should de-escalate a potential crisis, reduce or remove threats, and attend to the needs of the student demonstrating distress and/or disturbing behaviors.
  5. Provide updates: Inform NSC employees who submit a referral of actions taken and outcome of the case, to the degree possible while protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the student. In cases of threat assessment, timely updates about any safety issues and the outcomes of threat assessments are a priority.
  6. Monitor cases: Evaluate whether additional follow-up is needed, whether the response was effective, and what lessons may be learned.
  7. Review resolved crisis or emergency cases: Determine a plan for return (in coordination with the Student Conduct Officer, if applicable) and necessary follow-up support services and referrals.

II. Student CARE Team Composition and Meetings

A. Membership: The Student CARE Team is made up of the following members:

Other members (e.g., legal counsel, campus police) may be added on an ad hoc, case-by-case basis as needed.

The Student CARE Team will work to reach a fully-informed consensus when making decisions and recommendations or formulating response plans. Team decisions reflect the exercise of discretion and judgment based on the collective expertise, knowledge, and experience of the members, the relevant facts of the situation under consideration, and the behavior of the student.

B. Meetings: During the fall and spring semesters, the Student CARE Team will meet up to once per week, and no less than twice per month, to discuss new and existing cases and other issues relevant to Student CARE Team operations and best practices. The Case Manager will reserve a standing weekly meeting time at the beginning of each academic year to be used for Student CARE Team meetings as needed. During the summer and winter terms, the Student CARE Team will meet as needed to discuss new reports and existing case activity.

III. Referral Process

Any NSC faculty and staff member, including part-time and student employees, may submit a referral to the Student CARE Team. The Student CARE Team referral form is available on the NSC portal. Only members of the Student CARE Team have access to the initial report. Information may be shared with other employees on an as-needed basis according to the Student CARE Team’s evaluation of the situation and the results of the threat assessment.

Faculty and staff may submit additional reports if new concerns arise or new information becomes available. A single incident may be insufficient to take action; however, a pattern of incidents may justify an institutional response from the Student CARE Team and/or Student Conduct Officer.

IV. Student CARE Team Procedures

A. Response time: The Student CARE Team chair or Case Manager will notify the referring faculty or staff member within twenty-four (24) hours that a report has been received. The Student CARE Team will discuss the report at the next scheduled meeting; the chair or Case Manager may consult with Student CARE Team members before the next meeting if the case necessitates an immediate response. The Student CARE Team will determine if the student should be referred to the Student Conduct Officer.

B. Threat Assessment: The Student CARE Team conducts a formal Threat Assessment on all referrals, using a model and protocol that meet standards for best practices in threat assessment. If the Threat Assessment indicates significant concern regarding a potential threat, the Student CARE Team will coordinate with the Student Conduct Officer, senior leadership, Facilities, campus police, local law enforcement (if applicable), and other relevant staff and units as needed to conduct a full assessment. Based on the results of the full assessment, the Student CARE Team will develop and implement a safety management plan or a referral and assistance plan. This may include a recommendation to senior leadership to mandate psychological testing. The Student CARE Team will monitor the effectiveness of the plan and make referrals or take additional follow-up actions as needed.

C. Developing a response plan: For students who do not pose a significant concern regarding threat, the Student CARE Team will determine steps for a response plan, which may include any of the following:

While the Student CARE Team makes a good-faith effort to monitor action plans, it is the responsibility of the student to follow the plan and comply with its terms and conditions. The Student CARE Team is not a substitute for a student’s personal healthcare provider; nor is the Student CARE Team a treatment provider.

D. Tracking: The Student CARE Team follows each case until the Team determines that either:

    1. The problem has been resolved to a great extent;
    2. The student is connected to the full array of resources that are needed;
    3. The problem is being actively address in other areas;
    4. The student does not pose a threat to self or others and is not receptive to further Student CARE Team intervention.

V. Record Retention

Regarding Student CARE Team files, NSC will follow a “FY + 3 years” retention period set forth in the NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual, Chapter 16; a copy of the report and follow-up documentation will be kept for three (3) years past the student’s graduation or last term of attendance.


Student CARE Team Report Form (available in portal)



Student of Concern Policy, approved October 2014


Approved by Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Abby Peters, October 7, 2018.
Approved by Provost Dr. Vickie Shields, October 8, 2018.
Approved by President Bart Patterson, October 16, 2018.

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