Requesting Approved Disability Accommodations (DRC 4.1) - Nevada State College

Requesting Approved Disability Accommodations (DRC 4.1)

  • category:
    Disability Services
  • Policy Id#:
    DRC 4.1
  • Effective Date:
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This policy describes the process for requesting to use approved Accommodations in specific classes. For information on the process of registering with the DRC and applying for approval of Accommodations, see DRC 3.1: Disability Services Eligibility and Documentation Policy.


See DRC 1.1: Disability Resource Center Definitions for all relevant definitions as they apply to DRC policies.


I. Requesting Approved Accommodations for Classes

Following the intake interview, students who have already enrolled in classes can immediately request approved Accommodations. If the student has not already registered for classes, approved Accommodations can be requested once the student enrolls in classes.

Accommodation requests for specific classes are submitted through the DRC AIM database.

II. Timeline for Requesting Approved Accommodations

The timeline for requesting approved Accommodations varies based on the specific Accommodations approved for the student. The following table provides the miminum amount of advance notice for various Accommodations requests. These timelines apply to already-approved Accommodations that a student is requesting to use in specific classes. They do not include the additional time needed to initially register with the DRC and complete all intake requirements.

Approved Accommodation Type Minimum Advance Notice (Before the First Day the Accommodation Is Needed) Approved Accommodation Will Be Provided By…
Alternative Media or Text Fifteen (15) Working Days Fifteen (15) Working Days from the date of the request
Alternative Testing Seven (7)Working Days before each exam Day of exam
Communication Aids and Services Seven (7) Working Days Five (5) Working Days into the term or from approval
Note-Taking Services Seven (7) Working Days Five (5) Working Days into the term or from approval
Accommodation Aids Ten (10) Working Days
Other Approved Accommodations Ten (10) Working Days; additional time recommended

For special requests, such as meeting with professors, tutors, or advisors, or attendance at workshops, club activities, off-campus-field trips, and other events that occur outside of regularly scheduled class time, the student should request the necessary Accommodation according to the timelines in the table above by emailing Students are encouraged to notify the DRC as far in advance as possible, particularly for off-campus events, to facilitate scheduling of Accommodations.

A. Late Requests

It is advisable for students to enroll in classes as far in advance as possible and request Accommodations at the time they enroll to ensure that Services are provided without delay. Every effort will be made to provide approved Accommodations for late requests, but the DRC cannot guarantee that these will be in place within seven (7) Working Days.

B. Delays in Providing Accommodations

The DRC makes its best effort to provide approved Accommodations within the timeframes specified in its policies. If the DRC determines a student requires an Accommodation that is not readily available and will be delayed, DRC personnel will take steps to ensure that the student is not denied an opportunity to participate in the academic program by using available alternatives to minimize the impact of the delay.

III. Requests for Changes to Accommodations Due to Schedule Changes

If a student drops, adds, or changes classes, the student must notify the DRC at immediately to request a change to their Accommodations. Timely notification of changes is necessary so arrangements for changes can be established as quickly as possible.

Accommodation Type Minimum Advance Notice to Change Accommodations
Alternative Text or Media Fifteen (15) Working Days; additional time recommended
Communication Aids and Services Seven (7) Working Days
Note-Taking Services Seven (7) Working Days
Accommodation Aids Ten (10) Working Days
Other Accommodations Ten (10) Working Days; additional time recommended

The DRC will strive to expedite requests for changes to approved Accommodations, but cannot guarantee a faster turnaround time.

IV. Cancelling Approved Accommodations

It is the responsibility of the student using approved Accommodations to notify the DRC at as soon as the student is aware that that the student will not attend class, class has been cancelled, or there is an exam that does not require Accommodations. A minimum of thirty-six (36) hours advance notice (not including weekends or holidays) is required.

If a student is a “no show” to class three times during a term and fails to cancel scheduled Accommodations in advance, the student’s approved Accommodations will be temporarily suspended unless there are extenuating circumstances that are reviewed and approved by the DRC Director or Assistant Director. To reinstate Accommodations, the student must schedule an appointment with the DRC Director or Assistant Director to review DRC policies in order to ensure that the student fully understands DRC policies and how to adhere to them.

V. Reporting Issues with Approved Accommodations

A student who experiences issues with any approved Accommodations should immediately inform the DRC Director or Assistant Director.

To ensure redundancy and avoid delays in addressing issues or concerns, there are three primary methods for contacting the DRC to meet with the Director of Assistant Director or to schedule an appointment:


Instructions for Requesting Approved Accommodations through AIM


Disability Resource Center Director

Eric Gilliland, ADA/504 Coordinator
Human Resources Office



Replaces DRC 4.1 – Policy on Requesting Approved Accommodations_06.05.2019.


Approved by Sharneé Walker, DRC Director, January 15, 2020.

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