Hazing has no place within a community of scholars. The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education and Nevada State College affirm their opposition to any form of hazing.
Nevada State College advocates civility in society and an adherence to the fundamental principles of honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, development of the individual character, and sensitivity to the dignity of all persons. These principles should be fostered and nurtured in a broad spectrum of activities that yield social, intellectual, and physical benefits. Therefore hazing of any nature is unacceptable.
1. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation into or prerequisite to becoming a member of the Nevada State College community, or any group associated therewith, engaged in by an individual that intentionally or recklessly endangers another individual or group. Any activity upon which the initiation into or affiliation with an organization or group is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be forced activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Hazing may occur on or off the premises of the organization and/or educational institution. Hazing is most often seen as an initiation rite into a student organization or group, but may occur in other situations.
2. Hazing activities include but are not limited to:
a. Any physical activity, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, liquor, drugs or other substance or any other brutal treatment or other forced physical activity that is likely to adversely affect the physical health of the person;
b. Any situation which subjects the individual to extreme stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, required participation in public stunts, or forced conduct which produces pain, physical discomfort, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of an individual; and
c. Any expectations or commands that force individuals to engage in an illegal act and/or willful destruction or removal of public or private property.
3. A reasonable person standard shall apply, and the discipline shall be proportionate to the infraction. All disciplinary actions or sanctions shall be congruent with NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 10, and the NSC Student Code of Conduct. Both individuals and organizations committing an offense under this anti-hazing policy may be found in violation and be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
4. An allegation of hazing, reporting of a suspicion that hazing may have occurred, or a request for an investigation of hazing may be initiated by anyone. Violations shall be reported to the Office of the President.
All investigations of hazing and procedures for adjudication shall follow the Student Code of Conduct.