INBRE | Nevada State College


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Want to make waves in the scientific community? The IDeA (Institutional Development Award) Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program began in 2013 so you can BE HANDS-ON and deepen your research experience while you are enrolled as an undergraduate student. Through this 10-week summer program, our workshops will encourage and prepare you to pursue post-baccalaureate degrees and biomedical and health science careers.

Running annually from May through August, the INBRE summer research program provides you with thoughtful one-on-one guidance from faculty mentors to conduct cutting-edge research projects. You will also BE TRAINED on laboratory safety and various relevant laboratory techniques. In addition to research, as a program participant you’ll attend weekly workshops on the scientific method and research ethics, and communicate their results to the scientific community and the public. During the fall semester following your INBRE experience, you will share your unique findings with your peers and local academic community in a poster presentation at Nevada State College and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Once again in the spring you have the opportunity to showcase your scientific successes at the Undergraduate Research Creative Works (URCW) conference at Nevada State College as well as national conferences.

You’ll also get GradFit as part of the INBRE program! GradFit is a bootcamp designed to prepare you for your post-graduate education experience. You will attend a five-day workshop at University of Nevada Reno where you will experience a first-hand look inside the graduate school and student life while learning more about financial-aid, scholarship opportunities, and more.


2016–2017 Faculty-Mentored Research Projects by Subject


Development of Fluorophores, drug discovery,
Protonatable Dipyrrinones: Synthesizing a Library of Fluorescent pH Probes”
Synthesis of Novel Fluorinated Pyronins

Prevalence of C. diff. in domestic canine in Las Vegas, Anthrax sporulation
Synthesis of Bile Salt Analogs to Study the Structure-Acitivity Relationship of FXR and its Effect on ADH1 Expression


  • Coyote population genetics (microsatellite fragment analysis)
  • Microsatellite analysis of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in the Lake Mead National Wildlife
  • Recreation Area
  • Turtle Epigenetic (epigen influence on turtle Embryo)


  • Biochemical screening and sequencing of pathogens, Flow-cytometry analysis of macrophage and toxoplasma

Student Professional Development Workshops and Training

  • Laboratory Safety Training: Laboratory Research Skill/Scientific Equipment Training
  • Keeping a Lab Notebook: Best practices for keeping a sound scientific notebook
  • Responsible Conduct of Research/Ethics
  • Preparing for Graduate School /GradFIT
  • Finding Journal Articles
  • Presenting a Journal Article (for Journal Club)
  • Research Data: Interpreting and creating graphical analysis
  • Preparing a Science Poster
  • CV and Resume
  • Bioinformatics and Statistics



The INBRE program is open to undergraduates enrolled at Nevada State College who are US citizens and permanent legal residents. Students who already have a bachelor’s degree or have received an INBRE scholarship in the past are not eligible.

Application Process

You must complete an online application and write a personal statement describing your academic background, research interests, any related experience, and what you hope to gain from the program.

Selection process

Students will be matched with an INBRE faculty mentor based on the INBRE eligibility criteria, their research interests and mentor availability.

Financial Assistance

This program provides each student with an award of $4,500. Students will be paid $15 per hour not to exceed a total of 300 hours ($4,500) to conduct research. As your research is time-intensive and immersive in nature, you may not be engaged in other course work or employment during the course of the program. Please note: This income is subjected to federal tax and may impact your income level and financial aid eligibility (i.e., student loans, and other scholarship/fellowship opportunities). If this is a concern, please consult with a campus financial aid advisor.


Mid-January–February: Students will be invited to apply online.

End of March: Students will be notified of their acceptance.

Mid-May–August: 10-week summer research program is in session.

Summer 2018 Timeline

February 1, 2018 Online application opens. (link will be provided)

March 5, 2018 Online application closes.

End of March 2018 Applicants will be notified of acceptance.

May 14, 2018 10-week summer research program begins.


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