Academic Continuity Planning | Nevada State College

Academic Continuity Planning

In the event of a full or partial campus closure, NSC will look for ways to continue our core functions, including the delivery of coursework. This page serves as a repository for resources, including tips for moving classes into a remote format and correspondences from college administration.

Resources for Instructors  

A step-by-step guide for faculty to transition their classes to an online format, with specific suggested tools/tutorials for each step.

Academic Continuity Planning – Memo from the Office of the Provost (3-10-2020)

First Steps – Developing a plan for moving classes online

Additional Resources (External Links)

Instructional Resilience Best Practices (Tips and tutorials from the the University of Berkley about managing disruptions in instruction.)

Making the Shift to Online Learning: Emergency Preparedness & Instructional Continuity (A free webinar offered by the Online Learning Consortium)

Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start (Tips from The Chronicle of Higher Education)

How to Make Your Online Pivot Less Brutal (Tips from The Chronicle of Higher Education)

Teach Anywhere (a resource from Stanford to help faculty “temporarily take your class online during sudden and prolonged campus or building closures”)

How to Quickly (and Safely) Move a Lab Course Online

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