This policy provides guidance to faculty for selection of print or electronic Textbooks and other classroom materials for Nevada State College (NSC) courses.
Adjunct Faculty: Part-time faculty serving on temporary Letter of Appointment (LOA) contracts.
Textbook: Electronic or print book that is selected to accompany a specific academic course.
Supplemental Material: Resources, equipment, or materials in addition to the Textbook that support the enhancement of a specific academic course.
NSC affirms its absolute commitment to the principle that the selection of Textbooks and Supplemental Material is the right and responsibility of the faculty member assigned to teach each particular course. These rights and responsibilities are subject to limitations allowed in this policy. This policy provides guidelines to faculty and departments in the selection of Textbooks and Supplemental Materials.
Consistent with the mission of NSC, faculty should consider the following when adopting Textbooks and Supplemental Materials:
A. When selecting from among Textbook and Supplementary Material options, and where possible, consider lower-cost, high-quality options such as older editions, online materials, eBooks, open educational resources, three-ring binder formats, and/or developing readers;
B. Use the same Textbook edition and Supplemental Materials for consecutive semesters, ideally for at least two (2) years. This allows students to resell books to the bookstore or sell them directly to other students after the course concludes;
C. When possible, use the approved learning management system to deliver material electronically in compliance with fair use and copyright laws;
D. When possible, provide reserve copies of Textbooks and Supplemental Materials to the campus library for loan to students.
Faculty must adhere to the following when adopting Textbooks and Supplemental Materials:
A. Submit Textbook and Supplemental Material orders as early as possible, and no later than the School/Department’s deadline, to allow the bookstore to order used copies;
B. Ensure all adopted Textbooks and Supplemental Materials will be used during the delivery of the class. Avoid using bundled items unless students will be required to use the entire bundled package;
C. Select Textbooks and Supplemental Material that meet common accessibility standards (e.g., readable by a screen reader; appropriate color contrast).
Within the timeframe and procedures established by the respective School/Department, each full-time and Adjunct Faculty member will select the required Textbooks and Supplemental Materials appropriate for their course offerings.
A. Each School/Department may, at the dean or department chair’s discretion, select the required Textbook and any Supplemental Materials for courses taught by full-time faculty who have not submitted an adoption by the established deadline, as well as for courses taught by Adjunct Faculty;
B. College leadership (e.g., Deans, Department Chairs) should not place undue influence on faculty members regarding the selection of course materials;
C. Programs or disciplines are not required to choose a standard Textbook for specific courses. However, full-time faculty within a program or discipline may designate a standard Textbook for courses taught by multiple faculty members. Decisions related to standardization should be made in consultation with all full-time faculty teaching the course and considering the principles outlined in Section II.
Receiving compensation other than royalties contingent on the adoption of Textbooks or Supplemental Materials for a course, may be unprofessional and unethical. Receiving usual and customary payment for the review of Textbooks or Supplemental Materials is acceptable.
There are no ethical problems with faculty assigning a Textbook or Supplementary Material for which they are an author, provided that the selection is consistent with this policy. If a faculty member wishes to adopt their own Textbook or Supplementary Material, the following criteria must be met:
A. The published books must be properly copyrighted by the author(s);
B. The published books are available for open sale;
C. The faculty member does not make sales directly to students; and
D. The published books assigned as a Textbook in a course are approved for such use by the Dean of the School in which the course is housed.
Faculty Request to Assign Their Own (Self-Authored) Textbook for Class Form
Approved by Dr. Serge Ballif, Faculty Senate Chair, May 8, 2020.
Approved by Dr. Vickie Shields, Provost, May 15, 2020.
Approved by Bart Patterson, President, May 27, 2020.