Community Engagement | Nevada State College

Community Engagement

Be Engaged.

The Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives (CEDI) has the drive to promote and provide community engagement opportunities to Nevada State College. We recognize the value of outreach beyond our campus. Therefore, it is our goal to implement the following initiatives.

NSC Community Partners

The Buzz Newsletter

The Premiere Dreamer’s Edition of The Buzz is now available for the NSC campus and the broader community to access. Please take a moment to review our latest newsletter. If you are a member of the NSC campus and would like to nominate a student, faculty, or staff to highlight in The Buzz, then please click here. Additionally, if you are an academic or administrative faculty member currently working with a community organization or providing a service to the community, please tell us about it. You can email us at

Review our updated Community Engagement Report. This report details survey results of both our campus constituents and community partners. The Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Initiatives (CEDI) is always working to build ongoing relationships with non-profits across Southern Nevada. If you are interested in partnering  with Nevada State, please email

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