Nevada State College ( is offering a 4-week archaeological field school in northwestern Arizona at Mt. Trumbull, just north of the Grand Canyon. This year we will be conducting archaeological survey and site recording; the session includes instruction in basic laboratory procedures and analyses of artifacts collected in previous years as well. We will record archaeological sites near the Nampaweap rock art site on the edge of Toroweap Valley. A number of C-shaped pueblos and field houses are known but not formally recorded, and it is likely many other sites will be found and recorded.
Dr. Paul Buck (NSC and Desert Research Institute and Ms. Sachiko Sakai (Univ. California Santa Barbara) are the course instructors. This course is an excellent opportunity to learn the basics of archaeological survey, site mapping, and laboratory analyses, including artifact recognition, recording procedures, and analytic methods. Lectures, discussions, and field trips will help participants learn about the prehistoric Southwest, especially the Virgin Anasazi of NW Arizona and SW Utah.
All participants must enroll for 4 undergraduate credits in ANTH 448 “Field Methods in Prehistoric Archaeology” through Nevada State College summer session. Students need not be enrolled in a formal degree program at Nevada State College to attend the field school. Students will complete a summer application. NSC is fully accredited; the field class is certificated by the Register of Professional Archaeologists.
Housing, Food and Transportation
All participants will stay at Mt. Trumbull, 2 hrs. by dirt road from the nearest town. Students must supply their own tent and sleeping bag since we will be sleeping outside on the grounds of the lodge. Participants will use the well-equipped kitchen and complete bathroom facilities of the Mt. Trumbull Lodge, a modern facility to be shared with BLM fire crews and other researchers during our stay. We will go once a week to St. George for food and laundry. A cook will help prepare food for us. Students are responsible for getting to either Las Vegas NV or St. George UT on their own; University vehicles will be used in the field.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition is estimated at $100.00/credit for a total of $400.00 for the 4-credit course (final tuition and fees will be established by the NSHE Board of Regents in spring 2007). There is also a $30 application fee and a $20 new student fee. A $600.00 food and transportation fee is also required. Total cost is estimated as $1,000.00 (US) for the 4-week session.
How to apply
The field school is open to all students regardless of major course of study or residency, and any qualified non-student. Note: Only US citizens or permanent residents may participate. Students interested in attending the field school must request an information and application packet by sending an e-mail request to or calling:702. 992.2620. Each applicant must ask a reference to provide a letter of recommendation. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants by available facilities. Applications received before the deadline of April 1 will be given priority. Once students are accepted into the field school, they will be sent the Nevada State College enrollment form, the NSC registration form, and a medical information form. These must be returned before they can register for the field school.
For more information about the course and field school: Contact Dr. Paul E. Buck: 702.992.2620, or
For more information on Nevada State College, call: 702.992.2000 or visit: