About Nevada State College | Nevada State College

About Nevada State College


Our Campus

Nestled at the foot of Mount Scorpion in Henderson, our 511-acre campus is rapidly developing to meet our growing student population and dynamic programs. Our five buildings house energy-efficient, 40-student or smaller classrooms, and our open community spaces forward sustainable principles with solar panels, xeriscaping, and an organic teaching garden that also serves our campus cafe. BE INSPIRED by our expansive views of the Las Vegas Valley and the world beyond.

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Nevada State College will deliver on its promise to Nevada by becoming a model of teaching excellence, a pioneer in innovative student support, and an agent of economic growth and social justice.


At Nevada State College, excellence fosters opportunity. Excellence in teaching leads to innovative, technology-rich learning opportunities that promote the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Quality, affordable degree programs open doors to career success and an enhanced quality of life for a diverse population of students. Our graduates, in turn, foster the greatest opportunity – the promise of a stronger community and a better future for all of Nevada.

Mission Fulfillment Accreditation


Our engaged executive team hails from all parts of the country and a broad background in higher education and business. Click below to get to know how each leader strives to BE THE DIFFERENCE in the lives of our students, faculty, staff, and community.

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Our Culture

Diversity is our greatest strength. When you meet the people on our vibrant campus and learn how each unique, personal perspective and experience contributes to our warm, family-like community, the new ideas you encounter will help you BE A COMPASSIONATE LEADER in an ever-changing global society.

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Facts & Figures

As the only four-year, comprehensive public institution in Nevada, we are an integral member of the Nevada System of Higher Education and serve a critical need between the two-year colleges and the research institutions with our commitment to personalized education. BE INFORMED.

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