Pre-Education Advising | Nevada State College

Pre-Education Advising

School of Education Advising

At Nevada State College, students who declare a "Pre-Education" or "Pre-Speech Pathology" course of study, with the intention to pursue a Bachelor of Arts or Science are admitted to NSC as a pre-major in their relevant degree path.  The pre-major allows students to pursue courses required for their degree, while simultaneously working on all pre-requisites needed to apply for the Teacher Preparation Program and transition into the full degree.
Your Education Advising Team is here to support you! Your Advisors are:

Tayler Mesnard

Rileigh Merritt-Dietz (Advisor II)

To schedule an appointment with your Advisor, login and schedule here.

Please select either "Pre-Education" or "Pre-Speech Pathology" below for more information on these programs.


School of Education Programs

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