Business Administration (BS) - Nevada State College

Business Administration (BS)

Two female students standing in front of their poster presenting at research conference
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Degree Requirements

Degree Outcomes

  • Standard 1: Ethical and legal responsibilities in organizations and society
  • Standard 2: Financial theories, analysis, reporting, and markets
  • Standard 3: Creation of value through the integrated production and distribution of goods, services, and information
  • Standard 4: Group and individual dynamics in organizations
  • Standard 5: Statistical data analysis and management science as they support decision-making processes through an organization
  • Standard 6: Information technologies as they influence the structure and processes of organizations and economics, and as they influence the roles and techniques of management
  • Standard 7: Domestic and global economic environment of organizations
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Excellent teaching and Real-World Experience

Our business administration program combines excellent teaching, small classes, and unique learning experiences with one of the most affordable 4-year degrees in the nation. In addition to having broad exposure to aspects of business such as accounting, management, finance, and employee relations, you will benefit from the liberal arts core designed to enhance your communication and interpersonal skills and make you uniquely competitive in the job market.

Superb instruction. Our instructors have real-world experience, including running small businesses and working as consultants. They use their expertise and love of teaching to create exceptional learning experiences, for example:

  • Internship opportunities for students in Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations, Project Management, and Business Development.
  • Analysis of real-world data to include in reports that local companies use in their organizational decision making.
  • IRS certification for students to prepare tax returns for individuals and families with limited incomes.
  • Outside the classroom, faculty help students learn how to manage, lead, network, and communicate effectively through the student Management Club.

An innovative learning environment. Our program includes a finance lab that features a 38-foot stock ticker and 12 Hi-Def LCD displays with information about the stock market.




Graduates of our business administration degree hold a variety of jobs, including HR analysts, auditors, retail managers, appraisers, financial analysts, and economic development specialists. Some alumni entered MBA programs, while others pursued graduate degrees in Public Administration, Academic Advising, and Instructional Design & Technology.





At Nevada State College, we pride ourselves in offering students engaging courses that focus on active learning. As you progress through your BS in Business Administration, you'll have numerous opportunities to complete real-world projects that will apply to a number of professions. As a Business Administration major, you'll take:

Major Requirements (51 credits)

  • ACC 201 Financial Accounting
  • ACC 202 Managerial Accounting
  • BLW 302 Legal Environment
  • BUS 101 Introduction to Business
  • BUS 395 Current Issues in Business
  • BUS 496 Strategic Management and Policy
  • ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 103 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 261 Principles of Statistics I
  • ECON 262 Principles of Statistics II
  • FIN 301 Principles of Managerial Finance
  • FIN 303 Intermediate Managerial Finance
  • IS 101 Introduction to Information Systems
  • MGT 301 Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior
  • MGT 367 Human Resource Management
  • MGT 494 Seminar in Management
  • MKT 210 Marketing Principles
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