Parents | Nevada State College



As a parent, there are a number of reasons to encourage your son or daughter to consider Nevada State’s Dual Credit Program. According to a report prepared for the US Department of Education, dual credit has a long list of proven advantages:

Dual Credit Programs Save Families Money and Time
Students in dual credit programs spend 1.2 fewer semesters in college. They are also more likely to graduate from college, have a lower drop out rate, and save more on tuition than students who did not participate in a dual credit program. Importantly, Dual Credit tuition in this program is over 80% less than our standard tuition;

Graduates from Dual Credit Programs Often Out Perform Other Students
According to a 2007 study, dual credit students had “higher persistence and retention, grade point average (GPA), and credit accumulation than students who did not participate.” By starting early, students learn success skills that allow them to easily transition to traditional college classes, which ultimately leads to better performance.

At Nevada State, all the students in our Dual Credit Program have access to the same resources as traditional students, including tutoring, advising, and the NSC Library. By easing the transition from high school to college, we make the jump from high school to Nevada State much easier.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact the high school counselor at your student’s school or write to

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