Third Party Sponsorship Programs | Nevada State College

Third Party Sponsorship Programs

Third Party Agency billing and payments refers to agencies that have agreements with Nevada State College to cover the cost of tuition and fees on behalf of specific students based on military status, agency affiliations, State of Nevada supported programs, among others. Unlike a scholarship, the sponsor(s) requires an invoice to process proper payment on behalf of a student or a group of students. For a list of participating organizations, click here.

Third Party Organization Administrators

For third party billing questions, payment processing issues and/or any other concerns please contact 702-992-2120 and ask to speak with the third party billing processor or email


If you are expecting an outside organization to cover tuition and fees, here are the steps to follow:

  • Contact the sponsor/organization directly and obtain any required paperwork to submit to Nevada State College as a written agreement that your tuition and fees will be covered by said agency.
  • The sponsor/agency needs to send the Cashier’s Office a letter of authorization or a sponsor/organization official authorization form for payment.
  • Upon receipt of the sponsor/agency form, the Cashier’s Office will immediately set the third party organization contract on the student’s account.
  • After the last day to add/drop classes each semester an invoice is prepared and mailed to the sponsor/organization. (For Fall semester invoices are mailed around October, For Spring semester invoices are mailed around March.)
  • Note: If the sponsor/organization/parent pays directly on the student account online, the payment is treated as a regular payment to the student’s account and the payment is NOT considered Third Party Organization. Please refer to the Refund Policy for student general payments.
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