This policy describes the Accommodations available to students at Nevada State College.
See DRC 1.1: Disability Resource Center Definitions for all relevant definitions as they apply to DRC policies.
The following Accommodations are among those that may be assigned to students at Nevada State College. This is not an exhaustive list of the Accommodations that may be made available in response to a documented need:
The purpose of Alternative Testing is to ensure that any student with a disability has Equal Access to the test and that the Accommodations mitigate, as much as possible, the impact of the disability on the student within the testing environment. When determining what type of Accommodations are necessary, the DRC will give primary consideration to those that the student indicates are most effective. The student is not entitled to the preferred Alternative Testing arrangements if the College can demonstrate that there is another effective Accommodation or that providing the preferred Accommodation constitutes a Fundamental Alteration or entails an Undue Burden.
The decision to include any form of Alternative Testing as an Accommodation is made during the initial intake interview. Depending on the nature and functional limitation(s) of a student’s documented disability, the Director may approve individualized types of Alternative Testing. If any form of Alternative Testing is approved, the student may request Alternative Testing for all classes or only for specific classes through the DRC AIM database.
A. Exceptions to Testing Accommodations
In certain classes, labs, and clinicals the Accommodations, Services, and/or Auxiliary Aids provided for other classes may not be appropriate, as they may create a Fundamental Alteration in the nature of the program or present potential harm to others (e.g., patients). In these situations, Accommodations for testing will be determined after consultation with the appropriate academic Dean and will be reviewed to ensure access while also ensuring that the program is not Fundamentally Altered and that there is no potential harm to others.
B. Scheduling Alternative Testing
Almost all Alternative Testing takes place at the DRC. The instructor may proctor the student’s exam privately and ensure that all Alternative Testing Accommodations are in place, provided that both the student and the instructor agree to this process. However, such arrangements are rare. Exams administered by the DRC are proctored by DRC staff and/or live video surveillance cameras.
Students are responsible for privately discussing Accommodations, including Alternative Testing, with their instructor. If the instructor has additional questions, the student may refer the instructor to the DRC Director or Assistant Director as a resource to ensure that Alternative Testing is appropriately implemented. This includes providing instructions for the faculty member on how to implement the Alternative Testing process.
The student is responsible for scheduling all quizzes or exams that the student plans to take at the DRC. In order to ensure the availability of testing space and proctors, as well as to allow the DRC to procure the exam from the instructor, scheduling requests for alternative testing at the DRC must be received a minimum of seven (7) Working Days in advance of each quiz or exam. At the beginning of the term, students are encouraged to schedule Alternative Testing for all quizzes and exams that are listed on their syllabi for the entire term.
It is the student’s responsibility to schedule quizzes or exams that require Alternative Testing to take place on the same day and at the same time that the class will take the quiz or exam, with extended time included if it is an approved Accommodation. Exceptions to scheduling Alternative Testing on the same day and at the same time as the rest of the class require approval sent via email from the instructor to the DRC.
C. Late Arrivals for Alternative Testing at the DRC
All Alternative Testing scheduled at the DRC will begin at the scheduled appointment time. Students who are late will have that time deducted from their scheduled testing time, unless DRC personnel determine there are extenuating circumstances. Students who are going to be late for testing in the DRC should contact the office as soon as possible.
D. Misconduct During Testing
Misconduct of any kind will not be tolerated during a quiz, exam, or other test administered by the DRC. Anyone suspected of academic misconduct, including cheating, will be told to stop the exam and all exam materials will be collected immediately. The DRC Director or Assistant Director will contact the course instructor, who will determine the appropriate course of action in accordance with course policies and the NSC Student Code of Conduct.
A student requesting Alternative Text or Media must identify the specific textbooks, course packs, or other materials which need to be converted. The type of Alternative Text or Media approved by the DRC is determined based upon the intake interview and a review of the student’s Documentation, as described in DRC 4.1: Policy on Requesting Approved Accommodations
If a student requests the conversion of copyrighted materials, such as textbooks or course packets, it is the student’s responsibility to submit a receipt that documents that the student has purchased these materials; the DRC may not convert copyrighted materials without evidence that they have been properly purchased by the student.
Nevada State College’s Disability Resource Center provides a variety of options to ensure that qualified students have Equal access and independence for classes, labs, activities, and related events. For many students, Assistive Technology promotes independence; allows the student to engage in class; ensures that the student has access to classes, labs, and related events; and teaches a marketable job skill. The DRC offers a variety of types Assistive Technology at no cost to students.
A. Requesting Assistive Technology
Contact the DRC to obtain approved assistive technology. Schedule an appointment with the DRC Administrative Assistant to check out the technology and receive hands-on training.
The Disability Resource Center provides a variety of options to ensure that qualified students obtain meaningful and timely notes. For many students, Assistive Technology for Note-Taking provides a means for the student to independently take notes, promoting the student’s independence, allowing the student to create personalized notes that are meaningful and helpful, and teaching a marketable job skill. Additionally, the use of Assistive Technology for Note-Taking enables students to be actively engaged throughout class, while providing access to notes that can be edited and revised during the student’s personal time, promoting the student’s interactive engagement during class.
The DRC offers a variety of types Assistive Technology for Note-Taking at no cost to students.
A. Requesting Assistive Technology for Note-Taking
Contact the DRC to schedule an appointment with the DRC Administrative Assistant to obtain the appropriate technology or device and to request download information and resources for note-taking software. Hands-on training is available upon request; contact the DRC Administrative Assistant for an appointment.
B. Use of Notes
All DRC students using Assistive Technology must read, agree to, and sign the DRC Recording Policy. The notes are for the personal use of the qualified student only. Notes and/or recordings of class may not be shared with other students or posted online in any manner. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action.
Nevada State College provides appropriate Communication Aids and Services where necessary to afford qualified students Equal Access. NSC takes appropriate steps to ensure that communications with Deaf and Hard of Hearing students are as effective as communications with other students.
When determining what type of Communication Aids and Services are necessary, the DRC gives primary consideration to the Communication Aid or Service that the student indicates is most effective. A student is not entitled to the student’s choice of Communication Aids and Services if the College can demonstrate that there is another effective Communication Aid or Service, or that providing the student’s preferred Auxiliary Aid or Service constitutes a Fundamental Alteration in the nature of the College’s program or entails an Undue Burden. The provision of reasonable Accommodations due to disability cannot Fundamentally Alter the nature of the course, program, or event.
The type of Communication Aids and Services necessary to ensure effective communication will vary in accordance with the method of communication used by the student; the nature, length, and complexity of the communication involved, including the nature and vocabulary of the student’s individual courses; and the context in which the communication takes place. To be effective, Communication Aids and Services must be provided in Accessible formats that address the individual and unique needs of each Deaf and Hard of Hearing student in a timely manner and in such a way as to protect the privacy and independence of the student. To be effective, Communication Aids and Services are not required to produce the identical result or level of achievement for individuals with and without disabilities, but must afford Equal Access.
A. Qualifications of Third-Party Service Providers
The DRC furnishes qualified Interpreters, Real-Time-Captionists, and CART providers who are registered with the State of Nevada and who are able to convey the communication effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, including the ability to convey any specialized vocabulary used in a class.
B. Service Provider Absence or Late Arrival
If a Service provider such as an Interpreter, Captionist, or CART provider does not show up for a class, the student should immediately contact the DRC. The DRC will contact the agency and/or Service provider to determine the status of the provider and make any necessary emergency Accommodation adjustments (e.g., recording and transcribing the class). The student is encouraged to wait at least ten (10) minutes in class to see if the provider arrives, unless instructed otherwise by DRC staff.
In the case of a Service provider absence or late arrival, the student should contact the DRC after the class period ends to discuss the situation. The student and DRC staff will determine if this is a one-time incident, if there were extenuating circumstances, or if it reflects a reoccurring pattern. If it is determined to be a reoccurring pattern, the Service provider will be replaced.
Nevada State College provides appropriate Note-Taking Services as needed, which are approved through an Interactive Discussion in accordance with DRC 4: Requesting Approved Accommodations Policy. The type of Note-Taking Services will vary in accordance with the individual needs of each student; the nature, length, and complexity of the note-taking involved; and the context in which note-taking takes place.
Students are encouraged, when appropriate, to use note-taking technology to promote independence and to learn a marketable job skill. However, the DRC recognizes that technology is not always the most effective option.
A. Access to Notes
If the notes are not available for the student to download within MyDRC within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the class period, the student should immediately contact the DRC at to report the issue. The student and DRC Director or Assistant Director will determine if this is a one- time incident, if there were extenuating circumstances, or if it reflects a reoccurring pattern. If it is determined that this is a reoccurring pattern, the Note-Taking Services provider will be replaced.
B. Use of Notes Provided by the DRC
Notes provided by a Note-Taking Service or technology offered through the DRC are for the personal use of the qualified student only. Notes and/or recordings of class may not be shared with other students or posted online in any manner. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action.
In some circumstances, a student with a disability may be assigned an Accommodation Aid for specific classes or labs. An Accommodation Aid provides in-class assistance such as scribing, handling chemicals or vials in labs, or providing Descriptive Narration, as prescribed by the DRC Director or Assistant Director following review of the student’s Documentation and an Interactive Discussion of the needs of the student and the requirements and environment of the individual class or lab.
The purpose of an Accommodation Aid is to provide access to the activities in the class or lab, enabling the student with a disability to have access and fully engage in the course and related activities. Use of an Accommodation Aid in a specific class may not create a Fundamental Alteration the nature of the class or lab.
An Accommodation Aid should not be confused with a Personal Care Attendant. Personal Care Attendants provide services of a personal nature, such as assistance with feeding, grooming, toilet use, and/or other personal activities. Personal Care Attendants also provide Services outside of the classroom/lab environment. Nevada State College does not provide Personal Care Attendants.
Nevada State College will make reasonable accommodations to permit individuals with mobility disabilities to use OPDMDs (other than wheelchairs) on campus. The burden is on Nevada State College to demonstrate that the use of such a device would not be reasonable or that the class of the OPDMD cannot be operated safely with legitimate safety requirements adopted by the College. Consideration will be given to the device type, size, weight, dimensions, and speed; the College’s volume of pedestrian traffic; and the College’s design and operational characteristics (e.g., square footage, density and placement of stationary devices, and availability of storage for OPDMDs).
Nevada State College must determine whether the OPDMD creates a substantial risk of serious harm to the immediate environment or natural or culture resources. The College must ensure that any safety requirements are based on actual risks, not speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations.
Recommendations will be made on a case-by-case basis for students with disabilities using OPDMDs and safety recommendations will be established as needed.
A. Requesting Use of OPDMDs on Campus
Students with disabilities who require the use of an OPDMD (other than a wheelchair) should schedule an intake appointment with the DRC Director or Assistant Director and provide disability Documentation, including Documentation of the need for the OPDMD as a means of Accessibility.
In some circumstances, a student’s unique needs for Accommodations may not be typical of those provided by the DRC. In such cases, the student and DRC Director or Assistant Director will have an Interactive Discussion in order to determine how these access issues can be best addressed. The DRC will give primary consideration to the student’s history of Accommodations that have proven successful in the past, provided that these do not create a Fundamental Alteration in the nature of the course or pose an Undue Burden to the College.
These unique types of requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In order to allow time for research and consultation regarding possible Accommodations, it is critical that a student who has unique Accessibility needs consult with the DRC Director or Assistant Director as far in advance of the date Accommodations are needed as possible. It may be necessary to consult with the College administrator responsible for the course, event, or architectural barrier regarding fundamental requirements in order to ensure that Accommodations to not Fundamentally Alter a course or event, or pose an Undue Burden.
Due to the unique nature of these types of requests, DRC personnel may conduct research on best practices and/or consult confidentially, without revealing the student’s identity, with the Dean of Students, college attorney, and/or professional colleagues to assess what types of Accommodations might address the needs of the individual student within the specific class, event, or environment where Accessibility is a concern.
Instructions for Requesting Approved Alternative Testing Services
Instructions for Requesting Approved Alternative Testing Services
Instructions for Requesting Approved Alternative Text and Media
Instructions for Requesting Approved Note-Taking Services
Accessing Notes for a Class
Replaces DRC 5 – Accommodations Offered by Nevada State College_06.05.2019
Approved by Sharneé Walker, DRC Director, January 15, 2020.