Based on best practices, a cancellation payment (or “kill fee”) for cancelled courses is recommended for the administration of adjunct faculty. The payment acknowledges that significant effort goes into preparing a course before the first day of class.
Adjunct Faculty: Part-time faculty serving on temporary Letter of Appointment (LOA) contracts.
Working Day: For the purposes of the Student Complaint Policy, a Working Day is Monday through Friday when college classes are scheduled and in session.
An Adjunct Faculty member is eligible for a course cancellation payment if a course is cancelled within five (5) Working Days of the first day of the session in which the course was scheduled to be offered, if the course is cancelled for one of the following reasons:
The payment would not apply if a cancellation or reassignment occurs at the of a request of the Adjunct Faculty member or due to any changes in their availability (changes in full-time work schedule, medical or family emergency, etc.). If an Adjunct Faculty member’s courses are reassigned or cancelled due to the instructor’s failure to provide hiring paperwork, complete required trainings, or other required elements of the hiring and training process, they would not be eligible for a cancellation payment.
Courses may be cancelled or reassigned at the discretion of a department Chair or Dean. If a course assigned to an adjunct faculty member is cancelled or reassigned to another instructor within five (5) Working Days of the first day of the session in which the course was scheduled to be offered, the Adjunct Faculty member is entitled to a course cancellation payment of $150, provided that the cancellation or reassignment meets the eligibility requirements listed in Section I: Eligibility for course Cancellation Payment.
The Dean of the School in which a course resides has ultimate authority to determine whether an Adjunct Faculty member qualifies for a cancellation payment and will verify the list of qualifying faculty, if any, who should receive a payment each term. Cancellation payments will be paid out of the Adjunct Faculty budget of the School in which the course is housed.
Approved by Provost Dr. Erika Beck, November 12, 2015.
Approved by President Bart Patterson, November 12, 2015.