Marijuana Use on Campus (PS 4) - Nevada State College

Marijuana Use on Campus (PS 4)

  • category:
    Public Safety & Risk Management
  • Policy Id#:
    PS 4
  • Effective Date:
  • viewing/downloading options:
    Web - Formatted (this page)
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This policy clarifies campus regulations related to marijuana Use.


Use: Possession, delivery, manufacture, growth, distribution, production, cultivation, and/or consumption of marijuana in any form.


I. Prohibition of Marijuana Use on Campus

Nevada State College is sympathetic to the medical needs of our students, employees and visitors. A growing number of states, including Nevada, have enacted laws decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana Use. However, federal law prohibits the Use of marijuana on college campuses that receive federal funding. Such use could jeopardize federal funding to Nevada State College, including federal funding for student financial aid and federal student work study funding. Therefore, marijuana Use, including for medical purposes, on any property owned or leased by Nevada State College or the Nevada State College Foundation, or at activity sponsored or authorized by the College or the Foundation, is expressly prohibited.

II. Disciplinary Actions for Violations

Students, employees, faculty, guests, and/or visitors who violate this policy are subject to applicable disciplinary, legal, and/or administrative action.

III. Scientific Research Involving Marijuana

As stated in Nevada System of Higher Education policy, Nevada State College employees may engage in marijuana research that is conducted in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, provided that the following are obtained:

IV. Release from Housing Contracts

NSC shall permit students who live on campus or in housing owned or operated by the College to petition for a release from their housing contract if they assert legal compliance with Nevada state law regarding medical marijuana. Students who demonstrate their compliance with state law may, in accordance with the applicable College refund policy, be released from their housing contracts and may receive a prorated refund of housing fees or rent paid. No such provision is allowed for any student who cannot document and substantiate that the use of marijuana is for a medical reason.



Approved by Vice President of Finance & Administration Kevin Butler, February 2017.

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