Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA) Bylaws (MH 1) - Nevada State College

Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA) Bylaws (MH 1)

  • category:
    Manuals, Handbooks & Bylaws
  • Policy Id#:
    MH 1
  • Effective Date:
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A. Membership is open to all students registered in at least one class at NSC.

B. The cumulative GPA for office holders shall be determined from official college transcripts. In order for an officer to continue in office, he/she must maintain at least a 2.00 semester GPA and a 2.25 cumulative GPA. At the end of each semester and before the elections, the Business Manager shall check grades to verify eligibility. A student representing a single credit group can only hold office for that credit group twice. A student holding an Executive Council position can only hold office in the Executive Council for a total of three years, as well as only hold a single position within the Executive Council for a total of two years.

C. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Executive Council or the Senate, the President shall recommend an appointee to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. The recommendation shall be approved at a Joint Meeting by a majority vote. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the presidency for the remainder of the elected term. Upon assuming the presidency, the new President shall recommend an appointee to fill the office of Vice President for the remaining term. The appointee must be approved by a majority vote at a Joint Meeting. If the new President declines to assume the presidency for only the remaining term, a Special Election will be held to fill the vacancy within two calendar months. If the office of Vice President is vacant at the time the office of President becomes vacant, the Secretary will act as President until a new election is held to elect a President. The election shall be held within two calendar months of the position becoming vacant. Persons recommended for appointment shall possess the qualifications for the position, as set forth in the NSSA Constitution.

D. Any officer holding any additional elected and/or appointed office in any other student organization shall abstain from voting in the event of a conflict of interest.

E. NSSA officers shall attend their respective board meetings.


A. All NSSA Senators will receive a stipend equivalent to the amount of six NSC in-state credits per semester served for fall and spring semesters, and a stipend equivalent to the amount of one NSC in-state credit for summer service. All members of the NSSA Executive Council will receive a stipend equivalent to the amount of nine NSC in-state credits per semester served for fall and spring semesters, and a stipend in the amount of three NSC in-state credits for summer service. The NSSA President will receive a stipend equivalent to the amount of twelve NSC in-state credits per semester served for fall and spring semesters, and a stipend in the amount of six NSC in-state credits for summer service. Summer service for all members of the NSSA is optional. To be eligible to receive the stipend, Senate members must meet the following requirements:

a. Maintain 70% attendance of all required meetings as evidenced by the list of attendees in the approved minutes of each meeting.

b. Maintain 70% attendance of all required office hours.

i. All senators and executive board members shall complete a total of 8 office hours every two weeks, with the exception of summer service.

1. Summer service includes: No office hours and 70% of joint and board meetings.

ii. Office hours must be primarily served in the NSSA Office.
iii. If office hours are served outside of the NSSA office, they must be verified by the NSSA secretary or through minutes from an outside meeting where the hours are served. In order for hours outside of the NSSA office to be official, prior notice must be given to the NSSA secretary.

B. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 and a semester GPA of 2.0.

a. Successfully complete at least the required credit hours for each position during the semester to be compensated, with the exception of summer term. Successful completion means that a student has maintained the minimum 2.25 cumulative GPA requirement.

b. Senators are required to complete six credit hours; Executive Council members are required to complete nine credit hours; and the President is required to complete twelve credit hours.

C. Stipend and attendance eligibility will begin the day a Senate member takes the oath of office or one week after the start of a regular semester, whichever comes later, and will end two weeks prior to the end of each regular semester.

D. All NSSA Senators and Executive Council Members appointed to office shall be eligible for a full stipend during that particular semester only if they take the oath of office before the first 30 calendar days of the semester. After 30 calendar days, stipends shall be prorated based on time served according to attendance records.


A. All boards and committee meetings:

a. Shall comply with the Nevada Board of Regents’ policy and any amendments thereto.

b. Shall be run in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and Nevada Open Meeting Law.

c. Shall be held at least once per month during the fall and spring semesters.

d. Each board shall consist of the elected chair and senators appointed by the President.

e. The chair of each board shall set meeting dates and times, in accordance with board members’ schedules.

f. In the absence of the chair, a senator on the board shall chair the meeting.

g. At the first meeting of every board, that board shall appoint a senator who will serve as the Secretary.

h. Agenda items for the boards must be sent to the chair, or secretary, of that board three calendar days prior to the posting of the agenda. All agendas must be posted in public view by 9:00 a.m. on each campus three full calendar days prior to all scheduled meetings, in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.

i. The chair, or secretary, of each board is required to submit completed meeting minutes for each board meeting no later than seven calendar days after a meeting has taken place.

j. A majority vote on any agenda item from any of the NSSA boards that involves the expenditure and/or collection of funds shall be treated as a recommendation that the item be placed on the next Joint Meeting’s agenda for approval.

B. Executive Council Duties:

a. Clubs & Organizations Board

i. Purpose

1. Will have the authority to recommend to the Joint Meeting that a student organization’s charter be granted or revoked.

2. Create a forum for addressing the concerns of student organizations.

3. Monies budgeted for the Clubs & Organizations Board may be used to support student organizations. A majority of the Clubs & Organizations Board must recommend such expenditures to the Joint Meeting for approval.

b. Programming Board

i. Purpose

1. Will be responsible for the planning and running of all NSSA events.

2. Will be responsible for keeping records of attendance at all NSSA events on file in the NSSA Office for a period of up to seven years.

3. Will have the authority to recommend to the Joint Meeting that expenditures be spent on NSSA events.

4. Monies budgeted for the Programming Board may be used to support events arranged by the Programming Board. A majority of the Programming Board must recommend such expenditures to the Joint Meeting for approval.

c. Budget and Finance Board

i. Purpose

1. Will create a budget at the beginning of each academic year, which divides the monies amongst the five boards, by a majority vote of the Budget and Finance Board.

2. Monies budgeted for the Budget and Finance Board may be used to further support the other four boards, NSSA committees, student’s requests, school’s requests, and/or requests made from the community. A majority of the Budget and Finance Board must recommend such expenditures to the Joint Meeting for approval.

3. Will be required to keep records of all monies spent.

4. Will review and submit recommendations to the Joint Meeting for approval of all funding requests. Funding requests being recommended to the Joint Meeting must include the meeting minutes where a vote was passed requesting funding approval from NSSA.

d. Public Relations Board

i. Purpose

1. Will promote NSSA and NSC within the Southern Nevada community.

2. Will publicize all NSSA events.

3. Will maintain accurate NSSA online presence on the NSC website and social media sites.

4. Create a forum for clubs and organizations addressing website requirements, social media conduct, and online policy.

5. Will oversee any public relations projects and purchase all public relations promotional items.

6. Monies budgeted for the Public Relations Board may be used to support the purpose of the Public Relations Board, as outlined in the constitution. A majority of the Public Relations Board must recommend such expenditures to the Joint Meeting for approval.

e. Capital Improvement Board

i. Purpose

1. Will be responsible for planning and accomplishing projects that will benefit NSSA and the NSC community.

2. Monies budgeted for the Capital Improvement Board may be used to support the purpose of the Capital Improvement Board, as outlined in the constitution. A majority of the Capital Improvement Board must recommend such expenditures to the Joint Meeting for approval.


A. An Election Committee:

a. Shall be created by a majority vote at a Joint Meeting a month before an election.

b. Shall consist of two NSSA members and one NSSA officer who will chair the committee, and none of whom is seeking office in the election.

c. Shall have the authority to determine eligibility of candidates, enforce the provisions of the constitution and by-laws, and to certify the final results of the election.

d. Shall have the authority to disqualify a candidate from running by a majority vote if the candidate is found in violation of election rules and procedures.

e. Shall hold an election orientation for potential candidates.

B. Potential Candidates

a. Shall attend a mandatory election orientation held at the beginning of the election process.

b. Shall abide by the rules established by the election committee, which will be distributed and signed by each candidate.

c. Shall adhere to the eligibility provisions set forth in the constitution.

d. May file for no more than one office in any election.

C. Campaigning

a. Shall be limited to fifteen calendar days prior to the scheduled election.

b. Campaigning materials shall be approved by the election committee prior to being released for distribution.

c. Candidates seeking election will be barred from acting on behalf or in support of any other candidates campaigning during the election process. Each candidate must run independently of all other candidates.

d. Candidates shall be responsible for the cleanup of their campaign materials within two calendar days following the end of the election.

D. Voting Procedures

a. NSSA officers shall be elected in a general election.

b. The NSSA Business Manager shall compile and make available all votes within 24 hours of close of the last Election Day. The results shall be posted by 5: 00 p.m. the following business day after the conclusion and verification of the count.

c. The Election Committee will keep election results on file in the NSSA Office.


A. By-Law & Constitution Committee

a. Purpose

i. The By-Law & Constitution Committee shall review the current NSSA Constitution and By-Laws and recommend amendments on the basis of relevance and necessity.

b. The By-Law & Constitution Committee shall consist of no less than one member of the NSSA Executive Council, two NSSA senators, and three NSC students.

c. Any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Committee Chair. Upon receipt of any proposed changes, the Committee shall meet to consider them and make recommendations to the NSSA Senate.

d. A By-law for NSSA shall be a legislative act prescribing procedure for NSSA Student Government. Such By-laws shall comply with the NSSA Constitution.

e. By-law changes recommended by the Committee shall become effective upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate.

f. The Committee shall present any proposed Constitution changes to the Senate for a decision on referral to the student body. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate is necessary to refer the recommended constitutional amendment(s) to the student body for approval during an election.

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