This policy describes when a Course Substitution may be considered as an Accommodation.
See DRC 1: Disability Resource Center Definitions for all relevant definitions as they apply to DRC policies.
In some circumstances, the specific nature of a student’s disability may require consideration of a Course Substitution. If, as a direct result of the student’s disability, the student is unable to complete the work required within a specific class, with or without Accommodations, without creating a Fundamental Alteration to the nature of the class, it may be appropriate to substitute another course. The purpose of a Course Substitution is to provide an alternative course with similar educational goals that could be completed by the student with Accommodations without Fundamentally Altering the nature of the class or program.
The student requests a Course Substitution through the NSC Petitions Office. It is recommended that the student first schedule an appointment with the DRC Director or Assistant Director for assistance consulting with faculty, Department Chairs, and/or academic Deans about appropriate substitutions. The DRC Director may provide the student a letter of support that documents the necessity of a Course Substitution based upon Documentation of disability, prior academic history, and input from current instructors.
The DRC will consult with academic leadership (e.g., Department Chairs, academic Deans) and faculty members within the student’s major regarding potential courses that would provide similar educational outcomes and be appropriate as a substitution within the student’s major. The final decision on whether to approve a Course Substitution is made by the academic Dean for the school in which the student’s major is housed.
Petitions Office
Phone: 702-992-2110
Approved by Sharneé Walker, DRC Director, June 5, 2019.