This is a legacy policy; only tenure-track faculty with a start date before January 1, 2021 may use it to apply for tenure. All other faculty, including faculty applying for lecturer promotions or promotions to the rank of Professor, should refer to policy AA 5.1.
The major objectives of tenure are to provide a faculty committed to excellence and to provide a substantial degree of security to those persons who have exhibited excellent abilities, sufficient to convince the Nevada community that their expected services and performances in the future justify the privileges afforded by tenure (NSHE Code, Title 2, Section 7.1.2).
A. Guiding Philosophy of Promotion and Tenure: Promotion and tenure decisions at Nevada State College shall be based on the procedures and criteria outlined in this document and explained in detail in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Handbook (Code), Title 2, Chapter 7, “Tenure for State College Faculty.”
B. Conditions of Tenure: The major objectives of tenure are to provide a faculty committed to excellence and to provide a substantial degree of security to those persons who have exhibited excellent abilities, sufficient to convince the Nevada community that their expected services and performances in the future justify the privileges afforded by tenure (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.1.2).
C. Eligibility for Tenure at NSC: Full-time and part-time academic faculty in Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor positions at Nevada State College shall be eligible for tenure. Part-time academic faculty shall be equal to at least 0.5 FTE. Administrators may be included in this condition of eligibility, but only in the capacity of academic faculty. Full-time academic faculty in these institutions in Rank 0 or Rank I positions are not eligible for appointment with, nor shall have, tenure under any circumstances (NSHE Code, Title 2, Sections 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3).
At the expiration of a probationary period or at any time during a probationary period, academic faculty eligible for appointment with tenure may be recommended to the President for such appointment through regular personnel procedures. Recommendations for appointment with tenure shall be made by the President to the Board of Regents. The Board has final authority in making an appointment with tenure and such appointment shall not be granted to any member of the academic faculty without an affirmative majority vote of the Board of Regents at a meeting of the Board, a quorum being present (NSHE Handbook Title 2, Section 7.4.1).
Any faculty member may apply for promotion and tenure during their probation period. It is strongly recommended that faculty complete the third-year review process, especially those who do not bring in years toward tenure at the time of hire.
All eligible untenured faculty must complete the third-year review process at the end of their third year at NSC.
A. Process
There are six steps to the third-year review process:
B. Timeline for Third-Year Review
The Provost will annually post the current year’s timeline for the P&T process.
C. Documentation for Third-Year Review
It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to provide the Dean/Library Director with all necessary documentation for evaluation no later than the second Friday in August after completion of the third year. It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to provide evidence of the extent and quality of performance in each of the areas of evaluation. The documentation listed below shall be the sole documentation considered in this process. The application is to be completed electronically and submitted on a CD, flash drive, or through cloud storage. Faculty members must establish bookmarks or a table of contents for the information included in all four sections. Contact the IT helpdesk if assistance is needed with creating bookmarks.
The faculty member’s electronic third-year review file should include the following sections:
The application, instructions for completing the application, and guidelines for the third-year review process may be downloaded from the NSC Faculty Senate website.
D. Annual Review, Third-Year Review, and Tenure Review Alignment
Annual and third-year reviews should be aligned with criteria established for promotion and tenure in this document and should reflect the overall progress toward attainment of these criteria (NSHE Code, Title 2, 5.12).
A. Probationary Period
The total probationary period for all academic faculty eligible for tenure shall not exceed seven years of uninterrupted full-time employment in Ranks I-IV (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.1a, 7.3.1c, 7.3.1d, 7.3.2, 7.3.4). All full-time tenure-track faculty must apply for tenure no later than the beginning of their sixth academic year.
At the discretion of the Board of Regents, an academic faculty member may be exempt from the requirement of serving a probationary period and tenure shall be awarded on a case-by-case basis in negotiation with the President or the President’s designee (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.1[b1]).
The President of the institution, without seeking Board of Regents approval, may grant tenure upon hire to an academic faculty member who at the time of hire holds tenure at another institution (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.1[b2]). Prior to making such an appointment, the President shall seek a recommendation from the appropriate faculty on whether appointment with tenure shall be made.
Upon request of the academic faculty member and the approval of the President, up to three years of full-time employment at other accredited institutions of postsecondary education, including such institutions in NSHE, in positions equivalent to positions providing eligibility for appointment with tenure, may be included in the probationary period. Such decisions must be made at the time of initial employment (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.3).
Authorized periods of leave, paid or unpaid, may be excluded from service toward the seven year probationary period upon written request of the faculty member and approval of the President (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.1[c]).
The period of probation may exceed seven years upon written request of the faculty member and approval of the President. The decision of whether to grant the faculty member’s request to exceed the seven-year probationary period shall be based upon the sole discretion of the President (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.1[d]).
While faculty are typically required to complete the full probationary period before application, exceptions can be made. Upon the request of the academic faculty member and the approval of the President, academic faculty eligible for appointment with tenure may be considered for such appointment during the probationary period, i.e., applications may be submitted prior to August after the candidate’s 5th year (NSHE Code, Title 2, 7.3.2). The President must approve requests to apply for promotion and tenure during the probationary period (though this should in no way be construed to imply that this individual will, in fact, be granted tenure). Applicants requesting to be evaluated for promotion and tenure during their probationary period can expect a response of “No,” “Yes,” or “Yes with conditions” from the President. If the President approves a request for application during probation, the applicant will follow the same timeline and procedures, with the same evaluation process, as those at the end of their probation. Lastly, those who obtain approval and apply for promotion and tenure during probation will not have any additional opportunity to go up for promotion and tenure at the end of their probationary period.
B. The Process
There are eight steps to the promotion and tenure process:
C. Timeline
The Provost will annually post the current year’s timeline for the P&T process.
D. Documentation for Promotion and Tenure
It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to provide the Dean/Library Director with all necessary documentation for evaluation no later than the second Friday in August (after the candidate’s 5th academic year). This documentation includes evidence of the extent and quality of performance in each of the areas of evaluation: teaching, scholarship, and service.
The documentation listed below shall be the sole documentation considered in this process:
All documents are to be submitted on a CD or flash drive. With permission of the Dean/Library Director, tenure documentation may also be submitted through a password-protected website, cloud storage, or Nevada State College’s LMS. The applicant must establish bookmarks or a table of contents for the portfolio. Contact the IT helpdesk if assistance is needed with creating bookmarks. All files should be in PDF format. The application, instructions for completing the application, and guidelines for the promotion and tenure process may be downloaded from the NSC Faculty Senate website. In addition, Documents 1-4 above must be submitted as a hard copy (paper format) to the Dean/Library Director. Documents that are not part of the promotion and tenure review period should NOT be included in the packet.
In addition to the information supplied by the candidate, the Dean/Library Director will submit the following documents to the college Promotion and Tenure Committee:
E. External Reviews (Not applicable to Third-Year Review)
The Dean/Library Director will compile a list of six external reviewers. The choice of external reviewers should be a collaborative process in which both the faculty member and Dean/Library Director agree upon a list of people. Applicants should have a minimum of three external letters in their file. External reviewers should hold a higher professorial rank than the faculty member they are evaluating. Reviewers must be experts in the faculty member’s area of teaching and should not be closely associated with the candidate. In certain cases, it may be desirable to solicit reviews from individuals who are not affiliated with an academic institution.
It is the Dean/Library Director’s responsibility to send letters to external reviewers asking for full review of the candidate’s file. A sample letter to external reviewers is provided at the end of this document. The reviewers will each receive the faculty member’s electronic portfolio, as well as the NSC Promotion and Tenure Policy and the Standards of Academe for the candidate’s school. Reviewers should be asked to comment on the applicant’s teaching, scholarship, and service. Additionally, the Dean/Library Director should ask each reviewer to submit a Curriculum Vitae.
The external peer review letters will become part of the candidate’s application file and will be held in confidence. However, a candidate may, upon request, be provided access to such letters in redacted form after the review process is completed. Redaction is defined as the removal of identifying information (including name, title, institutional affiliation, and relationship to the candidate) contained either at the top of the letterhead or within and below the signature block of the letter of evaluation. The full text of the body of the letter will be provided to the candidate if so requested.
As outlined in this document and in the NSC Standards of Academe for the candidate’s school, the sole criteria for promotion and tenure decisions shall be based upon teaching, scholarship, and service. These criteria require a rating of “excellent” in the area of teaching and a minimum rating of “satisfactory” in the areas of scholarship and service to receive tenure. The criteria below apply to tenure and promotion to associate professor rank. The standards for recommending appointment with tenure can be found in the NSHE Code, Title 7, Section 4.2.
A. Teaching
The applicant must have a record of effectiveness as a teacher including, but not limited to, demonstrated teaching competence and efficiency in a classroom, laboratory, and/or clinical setting; the ability to communicate effectively with students; and demonstrated skill in handling classroom and other duties related to teaching, mentoring, and student advisement (NSHE Code, Title 2, and Section 7.4.2).
Possible examples of criteria:
B. Scholarship
The applicant must have a record of continuing professional growth in his or her discipline or program area as shown by a record of scholarship and/or creative activity, including, but not limited to, creation, application, synthesis, or transmission of knowledge; cross-disciplinary collaboration; acquiring and sustaining faculty expertise; and, in appropriate fields or disciplines, visual, performing, and literary arts that express original ideas, interpretations, imaginations, thoughts, or feelings (NSHE Code, Title 2, Section 7.4.2).
Possible examples of criteria:
C. Service
The applicant must have a record of service activities, including, but not limited to: ability in advising students; membership and participation in professional organizations; ability to work with the faculty and students of the member institution in the best interests of the academic community and the people it serves; service on college or system committees; recognition among colleagues for possessing professional integrity and the capacity for further significant intellectual and professional achievement; and recognition and respect outside the system community for participation in activities that use the faculty member’s knowledge and expertise or further the mission of the institution, or that provide an opportunity for professional growth through interaction with industry, business, government, and other institutions of our society within the state, the nation, or the world (NSHE Code, Title 2, Section 7.4.2).
Possible examples of criteria:
The applicant must demonstrate evidence of continued effective performance in teaching, scholarship, and service that includes and exceeds criteria outlined for rank as an associate professor. These criteria require a rating of “excellent” in the area of teaching as well as a “commendable” in either scholarship or service to receive promotion to professor rank. Faculty members applying for promotion to the rank of professor should refer to criteria in this document and in the Standards of Academe for the candidate’s school.
A. Teaching
Possible examples of criteria:
B. Scholarship
Possible examples of criteria:
C. Service
Possible examples of criteria:
An eligible academic faculty member who has been denied appointment with tenure after being specifically considered for such appointment shall be entitled to reasons for, and the reconsideration of, such denial as provided in subsections 5.2.3, 5.2.4, and 7.4.5 of the NSHE Code.
A. Request for Reasons: A faculty member who has been denied appointment with tenure or promotion, within 15 calendar days after notification of such denial or termination, may provide a written request to the department Chair, supervisor, or Dean/Library Director who rendered the negative decision asking for a statement in writing of the reasons for the denial or notice of termination. The response must be received by the faculty member within fifteen (15) calendar days after the appropriate administrator receives the written request for reasons (NSHE Code, Title 2, Section 5.2.3).
B. Request for Reconsideration: Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the written reasons for denial of appointment with tenure or promotion, a faculty member may request reconsideration. The request shall be submitted in writing to the department Chair, supervisor, or Dean/Library Director who rendered the negative decision, together with the reasons, arguments, and documentation supporting the request for reconsideration (NSHE Code, Title 2, Section 5.2.4).
C. Continued Employment after Denial (Terminal Year): Following denial of appointment for tenure, the faculty member may choose to complete a terminal year as an Assistant Professor at Nevada State College. This period of employment is limited to one academic year. During this period, the faculty member will remain in the same position, with the same benefits and salary, as they held when the promotion/tenure decision was made.
A. Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor: A faculty member who is approved for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure shall receive a raise equal to 10 percent of the median salary for all associate professors employed at NSC.
B. Promotion from Associate to Full Professor: A faculty member who is approved for a promotion to the rank of Full Professor shall receive a raise equal to 10 percent of the median salary for all full professors employed at NSC. Given the very small sample size at NSC, the raise for this promotion is being set at a minimum of $10,000 (pending a sample of at least ten [10] academic full professors).
Approved by Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Zachary Woydziak, February 8, 2018.
Approved by Provost Dr. Vickie Shields, June 12, 2018.
Approved by President Bart Patterson, June 12, 2018.