Community Partners | Nevada State College

Community Partners

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Community inspired the inception of Nevada State College and continues to form our foundation. We connect our students with the greater public in a two-pronged approach, embracing both “outbound” and “inbound” community partnerships. Our associations extend from students and graduates to their families, our colleagues, fellow citizens, and local businesses and organizations. The impact is powerful and positive as our students gain improved career prospects and broader purpose.

Our outbound community partnerships take our students off campus to interact in a meaningful learning environment with field courses, internships, and project-based courses. Students also engage with community organizations through volunteer work. Inbound community partnerships bring collaborators to campus. Community members share their knowledge and experience with students as guest speakers, Executives in Residence, and evaluators of undergraduate research. We also encourage the community to share in cultural events, such as art exhibits, visiting speakers, and performances. With these partnerships, we all gain an improved quality of life and the confidence to BE CATALYSTS for global civic and economic progress.


We thank our partners for their commitment to Nevada State College, a stronger community, and a better future for the state of Nevada. We have a long and growing list of valued partners, but we would like to initially highlight the following:

City of Henderson
Elaine P. Wynn & Family Foundation
Henderson Chamber of Commerce
Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce
Latin Chamber of Commerce
NV Energy
The Rogers Foundation
Urban Chamber of Commerce
Wolzinger Family Foundation

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