You know that college costs money, but do you know the difference between tuition and fees? Tuition pays for teaching, covering the base cost per credit hour to the school for providing you an enthusiastic, equipped professor who prepares your awesome course content! Fees cover anything required outside of basic academic service, like a technology fee so you can access wifi throughout campus or a lab fee for fresh specimens to examine, and may be charged on a per credit, per course, per semester, or one-time basis.
In order to allow students and parents to appropriately budget for college costs in advance, the Nevada Board of Regents has approved a Predictable Pricing Program. This program provides the cost of base tuition fees for a four-year period.
FEES, TUITION AND OTHER CHARGES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE: For a complete listing, reference Chapter 7 – Fees and Tuition of the NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual.