December 18, 2020 - Nevada State College
12.18.20 | Coronavirus

December 18, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, Governor Steve Sisolak has announced the extension of the state’s current “pause” restrictions until January 15, 2021. As we face the continued challenges of COVID-19, Nevada State College is preparing to safely teach, learn, and work in the Spring 2021 semester.

We have developed comprehensive plans to address campus operations, student health and safety, and instruction for Spring 2021. The Spring 2021 Campus Operations and Instruction Plan is a comprehensive approach for ensuring a safe and healthy campus for all faculty, staff, students, and the public. Please review it carefully and take action to help our employees remain healthy while we engage in our higher education mission.

We will continue to share information specific to Nevada State through official channels, including The site contains links to health resources, current announcements, the State Safe App, and other important information. The Nevada State community will also remain proactive and do our part through ongoing efforts to physically social distance, wear face coverings, wash hands frequently, and avoid social gatherings.


Be State. Be Safe.

Bart Patterson


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