Early Childhood Education Center - Nevada State College

Early Childhood Education Center


Nevada State Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) is an inclusive preschool program that serves children 3-5 years old, in mixed-age classrooms. The ECEC is committed to supporting the School of Education as we prepare pre-service teachers to become exceptional educators. The ECEC serves as a collaborative lab school providing quality field, clinical and research experiences for a variety of programs and disciplines that further the field of early childhood education. We provide a holistic environment where our focus is on creating an inclusive environment for children to explore, investigate and create in order to learn about themselves, their peers and the world around them. We create an instructional foundation which focuses on social emotional learning and language, literacy and communication. Our intentional focus on phonological awareness and oral language prepares children to be confident learners and lays the foundation for academic success. We encourage and value children and want their voices to be heard!

  • We believe it is our obligation to encourage student voice.


  • We believe in creating a safe school environment by implementing consistent, school-wide, developmentally appropriate expectations for students through differentiated instruction, while encouraging each child’s potential and success.


  • We believe in valuing all children and treating them with love and respect while supporting our community to do the same.
  • We believe in the joy of learning and that learning happens through intentional play.


  • We believe in an intentional and meaningful partnership with families including open and ongoing communication to support children.


  • We believe in teaching, training and mentoring pre-service early childhood teachers. This intentional work enhances the profession and assists in advocating for high-quality, inclusive early childhood education throughout Nevada and the World.

View the calendars and important dates for the upcoming terms at the Early Childhood Education Center:

Download the Early Childhood Education Center Family Handbook:


How old does my child have to be to attend the ECEC?

The ECEC is for 3 and 4 year-old children. Your child must be 3 years-old by September 30, 2021 to enroll in the ECEC. We will have mixed-age classrooms with children 3-5 years old. If your child is 5 years-old prior to September 30, 2021, they are not eligible for enrollment. If your child is going to turn 6 years-old during the 2021-2022 school year, they are eligible for kindergarten and our program is not the best fit for them.

What is the tuition rate for the ECEC and can any child attend?

The ECEC is an inclusive program and is available to all 3 and 4 year-old children. If your child has documented disabilities or developmental delays and you would like to discuss their education and care in greater detail, feel free to contact the Director or Coordinator. The ECEC is available to all Nevada State (NS) students, faculty, staff and community members. The tuition rate for NS students is $250 per week, NS Faculty/Staff $275 per week and community members $300 per week for the Academic School Year, running from August-May. The Summer Camp program runs during June and July and is $250 per week for every student. We try to allocate 1/3 of the spaces for NS Students, 1/3 for NS Faculty and Staff and 1/3 for community members to promote diversity and equity. The ECEC does not discriminate against anyone based on familial status, socioeconomic, cultural or linguistic status, race, gender or gender identity, cultural beliefs or religion and we value and celebrate diversity, differences and inclusion.

What are the hours of operation for the ECEC?

Our school day program will run from 8:30am-2:30pm with Before Care available from 7am-8:30am for an additional fee of $10 per day or $30 per week (pre-registered) and After Care is available from 2:30-6pm for an additional fee of $15 per day or $50 per week (pre-registered). To receive the discounted rates, pre-registration is required.

Will the ECEC provide food for my child or will I need to send food items?

The ECEC will provide a morning and afternoon snack as well as lunch for your child and this is included with the tuition rate. Snack will consist of items such as fresh fruit (apples, banana, tangerines, oranges, pears, pineapple, peaches, etc.) vegetables (broccoli or celery and ranch dressing), cheese sticks, yogurt, graham crackers, pretzels, Chex mix, cheese and crackers, Goldfish crackers, cottage cheese and peaches or pineapple, etc. Lunch will be served each day and your child may choose their selection with you each morning. They will be able to choose from a hot main entrée item or a sandwich consisting of turkey and cheese, plain turkey or plain cheese. Each lunch will also consist of one hot starch item such as potatoes, rice or noodles and one hot vegetable item. Fruit will be served as a dessert with each lunch daily. Milk and water will be available as well. Filtered water stations are available throughout the ECEC as well as in each classroom for children to refill their water bottles. Any family that chooses to send their child’s food may do, however this does not change the tuition rate. All food items must be self-contained in an individual lunch box and need not require refrigeration or heating. We recommend all children participate in our meal program unless a medical or dietary need restricts it.

What type of “discipline” or “classroom management” is used in the ECEC?

At the ECEC, we believe in building genuine and caring relationships with our students and their families. We believe in creating and communicating clear, developmentally appropriate expectations with the children. We use positive redirection and help children to express their feelings in healthy ways. We teach mindfulness and breathing techniques to aid a child in regaining composure when they are upset or frustrated and we model and coach them through social interactions until they are able to navigate them independently. We also have an in-depth initial training and ongoing professional development for the teachers and staff of the ECEC to utilize Conscious Discipline (CD) where we teach adults to focus solely on the child’s needs and best interests. CD also helps us to teach the children life-long skills such as identifying and expressing emotions in healthy ways, regaining composure to think clearly, resiliency and positive self-esteem.

Enrollment and Registration for the Summer and Fall/Spring 2022-2023 semesters are CLOSED. The ECEC Semesters are full and all spaces are assigned to children. You are welcome to complete the waitlist form. Should a space become available, an administrative staff member will contact you to see if you want to move forward with registration. Completing the waitlist form DOES NOT guarantee a space in the ECEC for your child.


Director, Early Childhood Education Center


Coordinator, Early Childhood Education Center


Early Childhood Education Center and SLP Clinic Business Manager


Administrative Assistant, Early Childhood Education Center

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