Hon-Vu Q. Duong, M.D. - Nevada State College
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Headshot of NSC Professor, Dr. Vu Duong

Hon-Vu Q. Duong, M.D.

I was born in Hue, Vietnam. In 1975, my family and I immigrated to the United States and settled in Virginia. After high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Army and served with distinction both as an enlisted soldier and as an officer. In 2008, I was honorably discharged from the Army. As a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University, I completed my general surgery training at the University of Virginia Health Science Center; my ophthalmology residency at Howard University Hospital, where I received advanced training in oculoplastic and microsurgery; and completed my fellowship in Ophthalmic Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

I began teaching at Nevada State College in 2005. I use my medical knowledge and professional life experiences to makes my courses interesting, practical, and applicable. My primary focus as an instructor is that students not only master course content but are able to apply the knowledge to novel contexts. Beginning in 2016, I and the nursing faculty from the School of Nursing collaborated to teach NURS 337–Pathophysiology as an intercollegiate interdisciplinary course; a unique collaboration and the first between the School and Liberal Arts & Sciences and the School of Nursing. Our experiences and data were presented at the 2018 Nursing Science and Practice in London, England, which was well received.  We are currently working on a manuscript with the goal of submitting the research paper on intercollegiate collaboration by early Fall, 2019.

Myself and other biology faculty published the Case Studies Workbook, 3rd edition, for nursing students at Nevada State and nationwide. Within my area of expertise in ophthalmology, I have published in peer-reviewed journals and medical textbooks. I authored “Sickle Cell Retinopathy” and “Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Eyelid” chapters in Roy & Fraundfelder’s Current Ocular Therapy, 6th Edition; “Corneal Embryology” and “Corneal Physiology” in Copeland and Afshari’s Principles and Practice of Cornea, 2013, and other ophthalmology textbooks.

One of the most interesting aspects of my classes is the emphasis on community-based learning. As a professional, I have consistently participated in humanitarian missions to Haiti, Kenya, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and I truly believe that selfless endeavors are an essential part of the medical practice. However, this emphasis on kindness doesn’t mean my classes are a breeze; I expect a lot out of my students and push them to give their best.

Dr. Duong regularly teaches: Biol 223 (Human Anatomy & Physiology I), Biol 224 (Human Anatomy & Physiology I), Biology 411 (Pathology & Pathophysiology of Diseases), Biol 414 (Endocrinology), Biol 440 (Mammalian Physiology), Biol 475 (Neurobiology), & Nurs 337 (Pathophysiology).

Email:  vu.duong@nsc.flywheelstaging.com

Office: Nursing, Science & Education (NSE) 134

Phone: (702) 992-2612

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