Vanessa Rodriguez Barrera, Ph.D. - Nevada State College
Home Academics Vanessa Rodriguez Barrera, Ph.D.


Head shot of Assistant Professor of Psychology Vanessa Rodriquez Barerra

Vanessa Rodriguez Barrera, Ph.D.

Dr. Rodríguez Barrera has a doctorate degree in psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles with a specialization in behavioral neuroscience. As the first and only person in her family to earn a college degree she is driven to inspire students to reach for their goals. She first fell in love with the brain as an undergraduate and has never looked back. She joined Nevada State College in the fall of 2019 and can’t wait to have you in one of her classes. She enjoys scoping out delicious food, cooking, reading, and spending time with loved ones.

Research Interests: Dr. Rodriguez Barrera is generally interested in the neurobiology and physiology of fear and anxiety. She worked in a fear research lab and studied the role of hippocampal neurogenesis in auditory fear conditioning using animal models for years. However, she is now focused on applying her training to investigate the experience of anxiety within the college classroom and its physiological correlates.

Courses taught: PSY 403 Physiological Psychology, PSY 405 Perception, PSY 101 General Psychology

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