June 22, 2020 - Nevada State College
06.22.20 | Coronavirus

June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020

Dear Nevada State Students,

As we adapt to our new circumstances, I am sure many of you are wondering about NSC’s plans for fall classes. I want you to know that the format of many classes will change, but the quality educational experiences you’ve come to expect from NSC will remain the same. Our primary goal is to help you continue your path to graduation while maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

  1. How are classes being offered this fall?

Classes this fall will be offered in several formats, including online (labeled “Web Course” on the schedule) and hybrid. Online classes will be offered asynchronously or synchronously:

Asynchronous classes do not require you to use software to meet with the instructor/class at a specific time. Assignments are completed entirely online. These classes will not have any times or dates listed on the schedule.

Synchronous classes are also online but will require you to meet with the instructor/class at specific times and dates using video conference software such as Zoom. When you look at the class schedule online, you’ll see that these classes have dates and times listed (e.g. MoWe 12:30PM – 1:50PM). To participate in this class, you’ll need to be able to meet with the instructor/class virtually during these times.

Hybrid courses will require you to meet in-person on campus, but less frequently than a traditional in-person course. A significant portion of the course will be completed online. You’ll recognize these courses because “Hybrid” is listed under the instruction method column of the online class schedule. You should plan on coming to campus on the dates and times listed, although the instructor may choose to modify the schedule for safety concerns. For example, for a hybrid course that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-12:20, you may be asked to only attend one day a week. You can contact the instructor of the class for specific details.

  1. What if I struggle with online classes?

Many students find that navigating online courses can be a challenge initially. If you’ve never taken an online course before, you may want to take our Student Online Preparedness course, which is available to you through Canvas. Also, our tutors at the Academic Success Center (ASC) are available to help you navigate these courses and give you advice to help you learn more and succeed in online classes. We know this can be stressful, but we are here to help.

  1. Will fees be charged for online and hybrid courses?

Typically, students pay a $25 fee for online and hybrid classes. However, if a class was changed from an in-person course to an online or hybrid course due to the health crisis, we have waived the fee. You can click on any course in the online schedule to determine if there is a fee associated with it.

  1. For classes with an in-person component, how many other students will be in class?

We are limiting class sizes and changing class formats to reduce the overall number of students who can be present in a classroom at any given time. While we do not have a specific ratio of students-to-classroom determined, we will follow the guidelines and best practices established by the state and the Nevada System of Higher Education. Generally, we expect class sizes to be no more than 50% of a classroom’s capacity and subject to six-foot social distancing requirements.

  1. I have a condition that puts me at an elevated risk. Are there any options for me regarding my classes?

Yes. If you are at elevated risk for COVID-19 (as defined by the CDC) or have a family member at home who has an elevated risk, you should put together an all online course schedule for fall 2020. However, if you absolutely need a hybrid course to progress through your major, or for graduation, you can complete this form by August 1st to request a fully online exception for your hybrid classes. Where possible, we will try to offer you alternatives to courses with an in-person component. However, we will not be able to offer this option for all classes.

  1. Will I need to wear face covering?

Yes. Face coverings will be mandatory in all interior common spaces and classrooms, as well as outside where six-foot social distancing cannot reasonably be maintained. According to the CDC, face coverings help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We know that face coverings can be uncomfortable and a little awkward at times, but this is one of the best ways you can help to protect yourself, other students, staff, and faculty at the college.

  1. Will campus services such as the library and the cafe be open?

Yes. All support services, such as the library, the Academic Success Center, and Career Services will be open. However, in-person staffing and the hours for each building will be reduced.  We encourage all students to use our services remotely when possible, as this is the safest option. The cafe will limit some options to ensure food can be served safely (for instance, it will have packaged salads instead of a salad bar).

  1. Will there be places to study on campus? Will we have access to computers and an internet connection?

Yes. We are developing spaces for students to study and work safely. We will have special guidelines for these spaces to encourage social distancing.

  1. What if I have a specific question? Who do I contact?

For questions regarding the fall semester, please contact Advising at 702-992-2160 or write AAC@nsc.flywheelstaging.com.

As we have in the past, the Nevada State College community will adapt to these changes and overcome whatever challenges come our way. From what I’ve learned about you as NSC students, I am sure that we will do more than just persevere – we will find ways to thrive.


Dr. Vickie Shields
Provost and Executive Vice President

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