April 2, 2020 - Nevada State College
04.02.20 | Coronavirus

April 2, 2020

Dear NSC faculty and staff,

We are at a critical juncture in trying to limit exposure to COVID-19 over at least the next 3 weeks. The Governor recently announced stronger measures to Stay at Home and extended the order through April 30. Based on those actions, Chancellor Thom Reilly issued a new directive this afternoon on additional closures on NSHE campuses and the suspension of non-healthcare related lab courses. Chancellor Memo. This directive is effective today.

Based on this new directive, I must specifically authorize any personnel on campus. At this point, I am only authorizing the offices of Information Technology Services, Facilities Services and Mail Distribution to have campus access on a daily basis. In the meantime, we will be looking at a different system for mail distribution to see if we can avoid the need for individual retrieval of mail.

Faculty and staff may access their individual offices tomorrow (Friday April 3) without the need for my permission to retrieve papers and/or equipment. Beginning Monday, April 6, building entry requests will need to be submitted to me at bart.patterson@nsc.flywheelstaging.com with a copy to Amber.LopezLasater@nsc.flywheelstaging.com. These requests will be approved by me only on a limited basis.

Thank you in advance for adhering to this new directive. I likewise will be following the directive and will no longer be regularly coming into campus except as absolutely essential. As always, I am very appreciative of your patience and flexibility during an unprecedented and challenging time.

Be Bold. Be Great. Be State. Be Safe!

Bart Patterson

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