March 16, 2020 - Nevada State College
03.16.20 | Coronavirus

March 16, 2020

Dear NSC Community,

The College continues to monitor closely the fluid, ever-evolving information related to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We recognize that anxiety and stress accompany us all during these uncertain times. Your health and well-being are at the forefront of our decision-making. We will continue to keep you informed and urge you to check regularly your Nevada State email, website, and social media for the latest updates. We thank you for your patience, compassion, and sound reasoning as we face these challenges together.

At the direction of the Governor for all state employees, until further notice all nonessential NSHE employees system-wide who are able to perform the core responsibilities of their jobs remotely will temporarily transition to working remotely no later than Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Nevada State College will determine essential employees by Tuesday, March 17, 2020 and notification will be provided.

Employees who cannot work remotely but are considered nonessential will be placed on paid administrative leave, which includes student workers. NSHE campuses will continue to provide limited in-person services to students, faculty, and contractors.

Please follow this link to read the Chancellor’s complete guidance memorandum.

Academic Continuity
Access the latest Academic Continuity update from Provost Vickie Shields here.

Internet Access
As we transition to remote learning, access to a reliable internet connection is crucial. Here are several links to companies who are providing broadband internet access for free or small fees for students:

FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot spots.

AT&T COVID-19 response: offers open hot spots, unlimited data to existing customers, and $10/month plans to low-income families

Verizon COVID-19 response: no special offers but following the FCC agreement.

Sprint COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, provides unlimited data to existing customers, and starting Tuesday, 3/17/2020 will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge.

T-Mobile COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, plus unlimited data to existing customers.

College-Sponsored Travel
The College is taking measures to limit spending to only “essential emergency purchases.” To that end, all College-funded travel, whether previously approved or not and regardless of the funding source, must be reviewed and approved (or reapproved) based upon whether its purposes is for the continuity of college operations.

Protect Yourself and Others

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • The CDC recommends that for the next 8 weeks, organizers (whether groups or individuals) cancel or postpone in-person events that consist of 50 people or more throughout the United States. Additionally, events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing.

The COVID-19 situation is changing frequently, so stay informed. Up-to-date information is available on the:
– Health District website —
– CDC website —

If you have any questions, please contact Edith Fernández, Vice President of College and Community Engagement, who is working closely with Gregg Maye from the University Police Services’ Office of Emergency Management.


Bart Patterson

Please call the Southern Nevada Health District’s COVID-19 line for specific questions on personal health concerns: (702) 759-4636.

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