NSC prides itself as being an institution of higher learning with engaging and caring professors. An NSC student recently shared her gratitude for Dr. Kebret Kebede, Assistant Professor of Biology , following a fall 2009 semester class. The contents of that email are as follows:
Subject: THANK YOU!
From: Sarah
To: Kebret Kebede
Dr. Kebede,
With the semester now being officially over, I just wanted to say thank you. You are a wonderful instructor and I have really been inspired during your class. The knowledge you have is amazing, but even more so, your patience as an instructor astonishes me.
I have two BA degrees and decided to change my focus to nursing, which is what brought me to NSC. During my entire college career I have never had the opportunity to encounter an instructor with such a demeanor such as yourself. You respect ALL of your students, welcome our off-the-wall questions, and extend each and every one of us the opportunity to succeed.
I believe that although I may not be the best of test-takers, and certainly not the best of speakers, I can leave your class assured that I have learned something.
I appreciate all of the time and effort you have spent to make this class a successful endeavor for all of us. It is not often that students find an instructor of your magnitude, and I am fortunate I have had the opportunity to experience a class with you.
Thank you again for your support and guidance this semester!