President Pollard's Message Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement - Nevada State College
08.20.21 | Campus News | Coronavirus | Home Page Feature

President Pollard’s Message Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

Dear Campus Community,

Nevada’s State Board of Health today voted to require a COVID-19 vaccine for Nevada’s public higher education student population. As they are Nevada’s medical and science experts with the legal authority to make the decision, the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) supports the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all NSHE students. The mandate requires proof of vaccination for students to enroll for the Spring 2022 semester, which begins in January 2022. Please keep in mind that two of the vaccine options are multidose. It is essential to be thoughtful as you plan to comply with the November 1st implementation date.

I encourage every Nevada State College student to get the vaccine as soon as possible. As a treasured member of our Scorpion family, please do this not only for the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family but also for your fellow Scorpions — students, professors, and staff. The COVID-19 vaccines are the most effective way to end the pandemic and the surest and safest way to provide you with an uninterrupted learning environment at Nevada State.

 Vaccination clinics are located throughout Clark County. You may find the most convenient vaccination clinic for you by visiting We are also working with local partners and the Southern Nevada Health District to offer free COVID-19 vaccination clinics on campus on August 31st and September 9th. Details will be forthcoming.  

As you schedule your vaccination appointment, please remember face coverings are required for all students, employees, and members of the public when indoors at a Nevada State College building. We also want to remind you of the mental health and wellness resources available to you during this challenging time. Here is the link to those resources for Nevada State students:

We thank you for your patience as we move forward and ask for your continued compassion and support on our learning and wellness journey.  

Be State Safe, 

Dr. DeRionne P. Pollard 


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