Registration | Nevada State College


Registration Steps

Find out how to enroll in classes using the steps below. Before you enroll, check:

  1. Before classes begin: On your assigned enrollment day, enroll in classes any time on or after your appointment.
    1. Go to myNSC
    2. Choose your institution and registration term
    3. Enroll in classes you want to take
  2. Wait list any full classes
    1. If you can’t get into a class you want, myNSC lets you either enroll in another section of the same class or wait list it.
    2. See waitlist tips.
    3. For additional information regarding wait listing, please click here.
  3. View your class confirmation(s)
    1. On myNSC, you’ll see a confirmation after each class you enroll in, including any that you wait listed.

Registration Holds

Students often must complete required steps prior to registration for any subsequent semester. These requirements are enforced through a Registration Hold placed onto your student account. Each hold briefly explains what is required prior to registration. The follow are common holds managed through your Academic Advisor:

To remove any of these holds you must schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor. To schedule this appointment, contact our office.


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