By Jess Kusak
The School of Education recently celebrated a momentous occasion with the installation and initiation ceremony of the college’s own Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) chapter. Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, which was founded in 1911 at the University of Illinois, was established to promote excellence in education as well as fellowship among those dedicated to the profession of teaching.
The newly installed Alpha Zeta Gamma chapter of KDP now aligns School of Education students, faculty and alumni with an international network of high-achieving professionals in the field of education.
We are excited to have the opportunity to be able to build our School of Education community of professionals, said Roxanne Stansbury, Assistant Dean of Education. Our Alpha Zeta Gamma chapter will allow for our education students to further hone their craft and connect with an esteemed network of professionals within the field, she said.
Earlier this year, the School of Education received approval to begin a chapter of KDP on campus. The installation ceremony held at the Black Mountain Country Club served as a culmination of the tireless efforts, and commitment to educational excellence, on the part of the School of Education faculty, staff and students.
Addressing the faculty, students, family and friends gathered, NSC Provost Dr. Lesley DiMare shared her pride in the school’s recognition of attaining a chapter with the esteemed organization. Provost DiMare commented, we are honored, proud and thankful to be a part of this organization that will promote excellence and provide new opportunities to NSC, the School of Education, and its students.
Dr. Bruce Jorgensen, the installing officer and past Executive Council President of KDP, presided over the installation of the chapter and its officers, and the presentation of the Charter. Five student chapter officers, fourteen new charter members as well as distinguished educators from the School of Education were the initiates of the first annual Alpha Zeta Gamma ceremony.
Beaming with pride, Dr. Lori Navarrete, Dean of the School of Education and KDP member, reminisced over her own installation ceremony when she was an undergraduate. It makes me so proud to see these students achieve this level of success in their educational pursuits, said Dr. Navarrete. Elaborating on how her own membership in KDP inspired her early on, Dr. Navarrete noted, it was events such as these that really encouraged me to move into a Masters level program, as they demonstrated to me that teachers have the ability to serve as ambassadors in the communities they serve. My hope is our students will have a similar experience, now being a part of the KDP organization.
Being affiliated with KDP will serve to take the standards of the School of Education to an even higher level. In order to become a KDP member, students must have a minimum 3.35 GPA. Additionally, since KDP is a service organization, student members will be ambassadors within the community, as they will partake in various community-based projects. Speaking to the leadership role teachers take on, Dr. Navarrete stated, in addition to helping their students advance in life, teachers serve as leaders within their communities. In the months since NSC was granted a KDP charter, student members have already experienced the enhanced level of engagement they will take on as teachers and leaders in the community. Student Chapter Vice President Vera Johnson commented, we’ve gained a greater sense of community so far, just through our work of building this chapter.
Reminiscing back on her own KDP installation ceremony, in which her own family was in attendance, Dr. Navarrete noted, To see the family and friends of these students here on this day is wonderful, since they can celebrate the success of those they love and support as well, said Dr. Navarrete.
The Alpha Zeta Gamma NSC chapter will have its first joint meeting on Monday, May 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the Basic & Water II campus building. For additional information about NSC’s Alpha Zeta Gamma chapter, or if you are interested in joining the organization, please contact Anne Browne, School of Education Project Coordinator at 702.992.2528 or by email at