Weekly Update from President DeRionne - 01/05/2022 - Nevada State College
01.06.22 | Campus News | President Pollard

Weekly Update from President DeRionne – 01/05/2022

Dear Nevada State College Community,

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I trust each of you had a restful holiday. As we return “Back & Bold”, Nevada State remains one of the safest public environments in the state, with reported employee vaccination rates in excess of 95% and a student vaccination rate over 80%.

We privilege the health and safety of our students and employees. That’s why we have deployed multiple measures to protect those who work and learn at NS. We will continue to provide multiple instructional and service delivery forms, including face-to-face, online, and hybrid course options as our flexibility is one of our strengths as a college. Finally, as students and employees return “Back & Bold” this spring, we will monitor several public health and occupational safety metrics to inform our decision-making process.

Please keep an eye out for a message from HR with some additional information and reminders on how to self-report, schedule a free COVID-19 test, and schedule a vaccine or booster.

You can view my weekly message below.

Be Well!

Dr. DeRionne Pollard

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