Dual Credit Program | Nevada State College

Dual Credit Program

Dual Credit Program

Welcome to the Nevada State College Dual Credit Program! At our partnering schools, students can enroll in college-level classes that also satisfy their requirements for high school graduation. Students complete these courses at their current high school with instructors who have been approved by NSC. This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the program.

Get a Head Start on College

For parents, this is an excellent opportunity to give your child a jumpstart on college. Students can earn 3-40 credits depending on the number of classes offered at each school. Importantly, these classes are transferrable to any state college in Nevada and we offer them at a highly reduced tuition rate: $25 per credit.

Build Confidence and Challenge Yourself

For qualified students, this is your chance to have an authentic college experience without leaving your high school. It’s a way to build confidence, challenge yourself, and speed up your path to a college degree and a fulfilling career. Ideally, we’d like you to have such a great experience that you choose NSC to complete your bachelor’s degree. To see if you qualify, reach out to the guidance counselor at your high school.

Explore Exciting Careers

The Dual Credit Program supports our Teacher Academy Pipeline Project (TAPP), which encourages students to consider education as a college major and a career. If you are interested in learning more about how this program can help you choose teaching as a profession, please contact Melanie Murray.

If you have questions about our Dual Credit Program, please contact Jennifer Lamoreaux, our Director of High School Partnerships or Camille Cruz, our Dual Credit Specialist.

Students participating in a college event
Students participating in a college event


  • Exposure to college level courses in a familiar setting with familiar teachers.

  • An understanding of college requirements, policies and procedures.

  • College credits from Nevada State College which can easily be transferred to NSC or other higher education institutions.

  • A head-start on completing general education requirements for future college graduation.

  • Significant financial savings in paying for college.

  • Confidence to succeed in a higher education environment.

  • Access to Nevada State College Student resources, such as Academic Advising, Academic Success Center, Writing Center and Marydean Martin Library.

  • Guaranteed system allowing transfer of credit under the Nevada System of Higher Education.

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