About NSSA - Nevada State College

About NSSA

Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA) is the official student government of Nevada State College. NSSA is an alliance of students who advocate for the good of the college, and all enrolled students are automatically a part of the organization. Our organization is close-knit, inclusive, and transparent that draws many strengths and opportunities from members’ diversity. Our NSSA leaders share a unique inside perspective of wants, needs, and hopes of our student body. With this knowledge, we create a progressive and lively dialogue between the student body and the college’s administration to inspire real change and shape new traditions.


This chart represents the structure of NSSA. Starting with the Executive council including the President, Executive Vice President, Executive Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, and Committee Vice Presidents. NSSA has three committees: Involvement, Public Relations, and Funding. The Senate is made up of sixteen Senators grouped equally by the four credit groups. Each Committee appoints a Senator as the Committee Secretary. The rest of the committee is made up of at least two Senators.


Executive Committee

The executive board is comprised of the President, Executive Vice President, Executive Secretary, Sergeant of Arms, VP of Involvement, VP of Public relations, and VP of Funding.

Involvement Committee

At the heart of all NSSA events, the involvement committee executes both annual and new events. From Scorpions Calling to every Study Breakers, the involvement committee enhances student life by creating lasting memories. This committee is also responsible for recording attendance of past events from up to seven years.

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations committee is responsible for the promotion of NSSA and NSC within Southern Nevada. They handle our social media presence, be engaged profile, and NSSA website in an effort to bring accurate information to students in a timely manner. The Public Relations Committee also handles promotional material for students.

Funding Committee

This committee’s purpose is to review requests of funds and support student organizations. In addition, the funding committee will be responsible for planning and accomplishing initiatives to benefit our students and promote the growth of NSSA.



As the Chief administrator of NSSA, the President is responsible for representing the student body of Nevada State College at Board of Regent meetings, as well as preside over all joint sessions, executive council meetings, and the appointment process. The President also collaborates with the Office of Student Life to plan events for students.  Along with regular meetings with our Chancellor, the President is actively involved with other NSHE schools through the Nevada Student Alliance.

Executive Vice President

The Vice President will assume the roles of the President in the event that the President is absent. The EVP also serves as NSSA’s treasurer and creates budget reports.  Another key responsibility of the EVP is to keep track of the organization’s accomplishments so that they can be shared with the Nevada State student body.

Sergeant At Arms

The Seargent at Arms is in charge of keeping the meetings on track and knowing Robert’s Rules of Order. During meetings, they shall assist in maintaining order, ensuring open meeting procedures, and organizational transparency.

Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary is responsible for the agendas, minutes, and recording of Joint sessions in accordance with Nevada open meeting law. The Executive Secretary serves as acting President in the event of a vacancy of the Vice President and President positions. Other duties include overseeing the documentation of all agenda and minutes for Committee meetings, serve as the liaison for appointed secretaries, and account for NSSA’s office phone and email communication.

Vice President of Involvement

As the chief administrator of the Involvement committee, the Vice President of Involvement presides over all involvement meetings with signature authority over the committee. The VP is responsible for scheduling meetings and agendas for those meetings. In addition, the VP works with their committee to create an itemized budget for the current fiscal year and recommends the futures board’s budget.

Vice President of Public Relations

As the chief administrator of the Public Relations Committee, the Vice President of Public Relations presides overall Public Relations meetings with signature authority. Responsibilities include scheduling meetings and creating or assigning agendas. As well as, working with their committee to create an itemized budget for the current fiscal year and recommend a budget for the following year.

Vice President of Funding

As the chief administrator of the Funding Committee, the Vice President of Funding presides overall Funding committee meetings with signature authority. Responsibilities include scheduling meetings and creating or assigning agendas. As well as, working with their committee to create an itemized budget for the current fiscal year and recommend a budget for the following year.

Committee Secretary

This position is responsible for the agendas, minutes, and recording of their specific committee in accordance with the Nevada open meeting law. Each committee has one secretary appointed by the Vice President of that committee and approved by a majority vote of committee members.


Senators serve on one of the three committees (involvement, public relations, or funding) as a voting member. Senators must attend Joint Session meetings as a voting member. Senators work alongside the President and Vice President in order to achieve the goals set forth by Joint Sessions in order to serve the student body. They are broken up by credit level with four senator seats in each level: freshman (0-29 credits earned), sophomore (30-59 credits), junior (60-89 credits), and senior (90+ credits).

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