Prepared for College - Nevada State College

Prepared for College

All Clark County School Districts students must receive a total of 22 ½ credits in specific subject areas in order to receive a standard high school diploma. For students to receive an Advanced Diploma student must earn 24 credits and have a minimum overall unweighted G.P.A of 3.25. Finally, for students to receive an Advanced Honors Diploma student must complete 24 credits of which 12 are honors/ AP credits.

Additionally, students that are college bound need to be aware of college admission requirements. The following links are provided to assist our students as they transition from high school into college and beyond.

Visit for more information about CCSD

Visit for more information about NDE

Everything you need to know about the ACT test

Everything you need to know about the SAT test

Visit for more information about The College Board

Learn more about how to apply for FAFSA

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