Nevada State College has many policies pertaining to academic and student affairs. Students are responsible for complying with these policies. The following is merely a guide to the policies that are most relevant to students, as well as processes and systems that support them; it is not a compilation of all policies or their word-for-word presentation.
We adhere to FERPA law in regards to student confidentiality. FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. It is federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records. It also provides guidelines for appropriately using and releasing student education records.
Students may update their release of directory information through their MyNSC.
Directory information is considered public and may be released without written consent unless specifically prohibited by the student concerned. Data defined as directory information can be found within the policy.
To view our FERPA Policy, please click here.
Official email communications are intended to meet student, faculty, and staff academic and administrative needs within the campus community… This policy stipulates that all formal communication will be sent to students using the official issued College email address.
To view the Policy, please click here.
Additional policies & guidelines: