DOD Tuition Assistance - Nevada State College

DOD Tuition Assistance

DOD Tuition Assistance

To get started with using your Military Tuition Assistance benefits, please read and complete the steps listed on the Active Duty Military Tuition Assistance Benefits Checklist listed below.

To avoid delays on your DOD Tuition Assistance authorization, please follow the steps below and submit all required documents.


  • You must speak with your Educational Service Officer (ESO), military counselor, or Service prior to enrolling at Nevada State College.
  • Submit an approved educational plan to:

DODTA Checklist:

Step 1: Apply and Complete the following.

Step 2: Take Math and English Placement Tests, if applicable.

Complete this step if you have not taken any Math and/or English class for college credits

For information about placement testing, click here.

Note: SAT and ACT scores may be submitted in lieu of placement testing.

Step 3: Submit ALL official transcripts from colleges/universities attended, including military transcripts.

Submit ALL official transcripts from colleges/universities attended, including military transcripts to any of the following methods listed below.

Note: Official transcripts must be sealed and un-opened.


  • Nevada State College
    Admissions & Recruitment
    1300 Nevada State Drive
    Henderson, NV 89002



  • For Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy transcripts, request online through Joint Services Transcripts:
  • For Air Force transcripts, request online through Community College of the Air Force:

You will need to be admitted to Nevada State College before proceeding to Steps 4-6.

Step 4: Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.

  • You must speak with your ESO, military counselor, or Service prior to enrolling to ensure that your program of study is approved for tuition assistance.
  • Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.
  • Submit an ESO, military counselor, or Service approved educational plan to:

Note: Failure to submit an approved educational plan may result in a registration hold for the following semester.

Step 5: Register for classes online through MyNSC

Visit our registration page for more information.

Step 6: Submit your DODTA authorization.

Initiate your DODTA authorization with your base Education Support Officer (ESO) or via your military portal.

  • Links to your military portal and additional TA information can be found here.
  • For additional details regarding Tuition and Fees, please click here.
  • For questions regarding the NSC Return of Military Tuition Assistance policy, please click here.

Once you receive your DODTA authorization form, please attach it to an email and send it to  We will then adjust your account once we receive your official DODTA authorization form. This change occurs within 3 business days of receipt.

NSC will then defer your tuition and will send an invoice for payment to your Military Branch of Service. You will be responsible for paying anything outside of tuition, including course and institutional fees.

Is a “Statement of charges” keeping you from getting your DODTA authorization from your ESO or military portal?

Some branches require it and some do not. If you do indeed need to verify Cost Verification form BEFORE you can get your DODTA authorization, please follow these steps:

  1. Send an email to: with the subject line “Statement of charges”. In the body of the messages include your name, student ID, and the term or classes for which you need the cost verification.
  2. Watch for an email in your NSC account from the NSC Third Party Billing Department. This will include a statement of charges with a breakdown for each class and it is generally sent within 3 business days after your request.
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